Grímaldi name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Old Norse
Meaning: Grim, Cruel, Atrocious
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What does Grímaldi mean?

Boy name Grímaldi has its origin in Old Norse is principally used in Old Norse. Grímaldi is formed by infrequent and modernistic GRIM and VALD, which itself is Danish and Swedish form of Grímr.

GRIM is Danish and Swedish form of Grímr. Grímaldi is formed by infrequent and modernistic GRIM and VALD.

Variants of Grímaldi

Arngrímr, Grimbert, Agvaldr, Valbjǫrn, Agvald

How popular is the name Grímaldi?

Grímaldi is a familiar baby name in Italy, Brazil and Colombia. According to our findings, over 400 babies have been named Grímaldi globally.

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Famous people named Grímaldi

We could not find any notable namesake.

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