Jösta name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Finnish and Swedish
Meaning: Goth, Stick and Staff
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What does Jösta mean?

Boy name Jösta is principally used in Finnish and Swedish. Jösta is variant transcription of Gösta. Gösta is variant form of Göstav. Originated from Old Norse, Gösta, Gösta means "Goth and Staff".

Variants of Jösta

Jösse, Gösta, Hjördis, Jönis, Gustavus, Göstav, Gösse, Gördis, Hjǫrdís, Jonis, Gustav, Götstaf

How popular is the name Jösta?

Jösta is an uncommon name around the world.


Jösta in Nordic countries

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Famous people named Jösta

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