Kjella name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Swedish and Norwegian
Meaning: Kettle and Helmet
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What does Kjella mean?

Kjella is variation of Kiälla. Kiälla is equivalent of Kjell in Swedish language.

Variants of Kjella

Kjellina, Kiälla, Kjell, Kjelline, Catullus, Kjetil, Kætill

How popular is the name Kjella?

Kjella is an uncommon name around the world.


What numerology tells about Kjella?

You often get involved with people who have a hard time to express how they actually feel. You act protectively around the people you love and people who need help. Meditation is your thing. Having the letter A as your capstone reveals your true personality. The capstone of your name reveals your true personality, your skills, and unique abilities. You know you have the power and will to accomplish whatever you imagine on your own.

Other names similar to Kjella

  •  Arngerd is form of Arngærdh in Danish and Swedish languages
  •  Odvin - Used dominantly in Swedish and Norwegian, Odvin is used mostly as a baby boy name. Odvin is Norwegian form of Oddvin
  •  Arnger - Primarily used in Swedish and Danish, Arnger means "Eagle or Spear" which originated from Old High German is aimed at baby boys
  •  Alvdis is form of Alfdís in Norwegian language
  •  Botilde means Remedy and A Commanding Heroine used for girls is of Old Norse origin is predominantly used in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. Botilde is derivative of Botilda.

Famous people named Kjella

We could not find any notable namesake.

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