Oajá name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Sami
Usage: Sami
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What does Oajá mean?

Meaning of Oajá is not available this time. Please visit after sometime.

How popular is the name Oajá?

Oajá is an extremely rare name around the world.

Looking for a name like Oajá? Please go through the following names

  •  Rinke is Greenlandic equivalent of Rink
  •  Akutaq is Greenlandic form of Akutaĸ
  •  Leainná - Principally used in Sami unfading and noteworthy, Leainná is used for girls. Leainná is equivalent of Lena in Sami language
  •  Jerimia - Used largely in Greenlandic and Swedish, Jerimia is of Hebrew origin is aimed at both sexes. Jerimia is equivalent of Jerimiarse in Greenlandic language
  •  Sighrudh - Boy name Sighrudh is used in Old Swedish and Swedish. Sighrudh is Swedish form of Sigfrøðr

Famous people named Oajá

We could not find any notable namesake.

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