Takmar name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Old Slavic, Danish, Old Norse and Slavonic
Usage: Finnish
Meaning: Joy of the Danes, Day's Glory, Glorious, Day, Maid, Great Day, Dorogo, Meri and Famous Day
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What does Takmar mean?

Takmar is Finnish equivalent of Takmari.

Variants of Takmar

Takmari, Dagmar, Mari, Daggi, Dagmár, Dragomira, Maree, Marirose, Maria, Mariam, Mariamne, Mirjam, Mariko, Marina, Marie, Mare, Mar

How popular is the name Takmar?

Takmar is an uncommon name around the globe.


What numerology tells about Takmar?

You are highly resourceful and respectful around people who value honesty, justice, and dreams. Your great sense of humor makes you attractive in other people's eyes. Your kindness is your only flaw. People envy your success and personal life, and would give just anything to be like you. Your past is the reason why you've turned into this amazing, kind-hearted person. You deserve the best because you are simply the best.

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Famous people named Takmar

We could not find any notable namesake.

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