Arabic boy names starting with I
Here are 209 arabic boy names that starts with I.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZName
My Father is Exalted, Earth a Prophets Name, Abraham
Lord of Fiery, Study, Impulsive, A Prophet's Name
God will Listen, The Biblical Ishm, A Prophet, Farsi for Ishmael
Strong, Powerful, Prosperity, Beautiful
The Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
The Lord Helps Me or Salvation of God, Strong-willed, A Prophet's Name, God's Promise
Yahweh is Salvation
From Kikuyu, God Saves, The Messiah, God's Promise
A Prophet's Name, Fiery Lord
Prophets Name
A Prophet's Name, God Smiles, Laughs
Faith, Faithful, Belief
Trustworthy, Belief, Faithful
A Prophet's Name, Isaac
Beneficent, Charity, Compassion, Good
Wise, Intelligent
Learning, Prodigy, Gratefulness, Knowledge
Submission to Allah's will, Very Safe, Peaceful, From Kikuyu
Authority, Strength, A Big Mountain, Generous
Precious, Ruler, Nice, Respectfull
Pillar, Post, Support, Mainstay
Safeguard, Distinguished, Virtuous, Ambitious
Fiery Leader, One who Instruct, Impulsive, To Learn
My God is Yahweh
Son, Son Of
Inspired, Intuition, Inspiration, Revelation
Veneration, Honour, Generous, Honor
Self-made, Pledge, Safeguard, Protector
Privacy, Never Gives Up, Secrecy, Insist
Shelter, Refuge
Radiance, Brilliance, Shining
A Prophet's Name, God Will Hear
Peaceful, Helpful
Slaves, Servants
Leader of the Religion, Chief, Who Directs
Free, Night Travel, An Independent Man
Purity, Frankness, Sincerity, Honest
Astonishment, Inevitability of the Quran, Miracle
Protector, Defender of Mankind, Defending Men
Distinction, Privilege, Power of Discrimination
Compensation, Consoling, Gift
A Prophet's Name, A Prophets Name
A Prophet's Name
A Garden In Heaven, Eden
Desire, Wealth, Abundance, Fortunate
Faith, Variant of Iman, Belief
Prestige, Honor, Respect
Life, She who lives
Glory, Destiny, Good Luck, Beauty
Keeping Faith, Satisfying
Honor, Respect, Prestige
Pillar, Column
Divine Favor, Leather, Granting, Giving
Strong, Sweet Voice, Good Mood, Able
Blessing, Gift, Act of Benefaction, Grace
Justice, Fairness, Righteousness, Equity
Affection, Happiness, Happy
Might, Honour, Power, The Daughter of Al-haytam Muhammad Bin Al-haysam was so Named
Privilege, Intelligent, Eminence, Distinction
Prophet Abraham
Infallibility, Purity, Who Protects from Harm, The Element Isma Meaning Preserving Safeguarding
Prophet's Name
Glory, Honour, Self Respect, Pride
Inspiration, Inspired
Paradise, A Garden In Heaven
Wisdom, Honour, Variant of Iffat, Chastity
Power, Victory
River Bank
My God is Yahweh
Honour of the Religion, Honor of the Religion
Kindness, Compassion, Affection
Charity, Help, Assistance
Craving, Longing
White Soul
Might of the Faith
My Lord (for Allah), Divine
Integrity, Exaltation, Honor, Faithfulness
To Unite, To Get Together
Magnificence, Pomp, Chastity, Modesty
To Respect an Honour, Affection, Regard, Esteem
To Wait
God will Hear, In the Bible Ismael was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Virtues, Morals
Crown, Diadem, Wreath, Garland
Care of Allah
Longing, Yearning, Wish, Desire
Approval, Contentment
To Bring Happiness, Favouring, Blessing, Making Happy or Prosperous
Accomplishment, Attainment, Intellect, Perception
Prayer, Worship, Devotion
Turtledove, Name of an Illustrious Sahabi
Pillar of the Faith
Magnificent, King
Contemplation, Thought, Pride
Sincere, Obedient
Delight, Joy, Happiness, Jubilation
God, Son of Abraham
Choice, Selection
Glory of Allah
Eminence, Superiority
Supporter, Helper
Servants of God
Altitude, Height, Elevation
Time, Season
Another Name of God, Another Name for God
Longing, Peace, Craving
Today, First Rose
Power, Authority, Capability, Office
Form of Amram
Confidence, Dependence, Reliance
Request, Appeal, Entreaty
Innocence, Insusceptibility, Purity, Honor
Friendship, Obligation, Kindness
Learning, Prodigy, Gratefulness, Knowledge
To Prefer
Preference, Selection, Choice
Glory of the Truth (Allah)
Gift of Truth (Allah)
Moderation, Symmetry, Moderateness, Clemency
Learning, Prodigy, Gratefulness, Knowledge
The Biblical Enoch is the English Language Equivalent
A Prophet's Name, A Prophets Name
Female Pigeon
Blamed, Censured
Might of the Faith
The Pillar of the Faith
To be of Assistance, Respect
Honour, Respect, Honor
The Biblical Areran is the English Language Equivalent
Beneficent, Charity, Compassion, Good
Friendship, Unity, Harmony
Early Morning
Might of the Faith
Amusing, A Man of Early Islam
Gift of Truth Allah
The One who Praise
Crown, Garland, Chief of Prophets
The Name of Abu Mansur
Sina was the Father of Abu Ali Ib-e-sina
Charity, Beneficence, Compassion, Favour
Izz Meaning Power Glory, Mighty of the Faith
Mandate, Command
Learning, Prodigy, Gratefulness, Knowledge
Learning, Prodigy, Gratefulness, Knowledge
Gift of Allah
Iskaf is a Shoe-maker
Kindness of the Truth (Allah)
Pride, Self Respect, Glory, Honour
Charity, Beneficence, Compassion, Favour
The Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Kindness of the Truth (Allah)
Glory of the Truth (Allah)
Inevitability of the Truth (Allah)
Pride, Honour, Glory, Self Respect
Inimitability of the Truth
Pillar of the Faith
Pride of the Religion Islam
Pride, Self Respect, Glory, Honour
Supporter of Allah
Act of Benefaction, One who Bestows Kindness, Bestowal
The Honour of Arabs
Friendship, Obligation, Kindness
Approval of Husayn
Might of the Faith
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