Names that mean Affectionate
Alive, Beautiful, Loving or Affectionate, Shining
Joined to, Attached, Garland, Adhesion
Loveable, Supreme, Of Good Company, Affectionate
Clement, Full of Mansuude, Affectionate, Merciful Origin Islamic
Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille, Young Attendant, Lord, Affectionate
Friendly, Affectionate, Of Good Company, Close
Merciful Origin Islamic, Compassionate, Affectionate, 55th Surah of the Quran
All and universal
Reclusive, Loud, Brotherly, Fame and Fight
Affectionate, Kind, Merciful Origin Islamic, Another Name of Allah
Merciful, Affectionate, Another Name for God, Having Warm Feelings
Goddess Lakshmi, Affectionate, Beautiful, Lovable
Lovable Or Affectionate, Love
Adhesion, Joined, Guide, Attached
Governor, Adhesion, Affectionate, Reclusive
Adhesion, Joined, Guide, Attached
Affectionate, Young Attendant, Tortoise Child, Lord
Who Kisses, Beloved, Affectionate
Combined, Joined, Reclusive, Adhesion
Love, Affection, Wife of Rishi Sandeep, Affectionate
Young Attendant, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille, Affectionate, Lord
Affectionate, Worthy, Generous, God
Affectionate, Having Warm Feelings, Sensitive, Another Name for God
Kind Affectionate
Adhesion, Joined, Guide, Attached
Young Attendant, Lord, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille, Affectionate
Who Kisses, Affectionate, Beloved, Friend and Alone
Sensitive, Affectionate, Imaginative
A Carved Gem Portrait, Young Attendant, Affectionate, Lord
Sympathy, Empathy, Affection, Kind
Affectionate Feelings, Kind, Emotions
Kind Affectionate
Named for Bona Dea, Well Spoken, Life Giving, Cedar Tree
Well and peaceful
Intelligent, Generous, Kind Affectionate, Innocent
Vine, Creeper, Affectionate One, Weed
Soft, Pardoning, Affectionate, Tender
Affectionate, Beautiful, Desired, Wish
Heart Full, Affectionate, Cordial, Heartfelt
Affectionate, Loving, Peaceful, Calm
Tender, Soft, Smooth, Affectionate
Affectionate One, Creeper, Vine, Bad
Affectionate, Pure Water
Craven, Cowardly, Affectionate, Delighting, Loving
Compassionate, Tender, Affectionate, Soft
Affectionate, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille, Young Attendant, Lord
Compassionate, Another Name for God, Generous, Affectionate
Amorous, Affectionate
Love Form Parents, Affectionate, Loving
Vine, Creeper, Bad, Weed
An Affectionate Woman
Affectionate, Full of Love, Loving
Compassionate Merciful, Affectionate, Gracious, 55th Surah of the Quran
Companion, Lover, Friend, Al-wadood
Kind, Hug, Affectionate
Merciful, Kind, Another Name of Allah, Affectionate
Loving, Gentle, Affectionate, Peaceful
Affectionate, Lord, Young Attendant, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille
Loving, Affectionate
Dear to the Gods, Being Affectionate with Heavenly Spirit, The One who Loves Devar from Devalogam - God's World, National Treasure
Commanding, Reverent, Life Giving, The Colour of Olive
Beloved, Who Kisses, Affectionate
Affectionate, Very Much Attached, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Craven, Cowardly
Soft Hearted, Tender-hearted, Compassionate, Merciful
Kind, Sun, Affectionate
Newborn, New-Born Child, Affectionate, Newly-born
Lord, Affectionate, Young Attendant, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille
Another Name for God, Merciful, Having Warm Feelings, Affectionate
Compassionate Merciful, Affectionate, Gracious, 55th Surah of the Quran
Joined, Garland, Guide, United
Favourable, Devoted, Affectionate, Favorable
Compassionate, Kind-hearted, Kind Hearted, Loving
Newborn, New-Born Child, Affectionate, Newly-born
Heartfelt, Heart Full, Affectionate, Cordial
Aatiq Ali, Young Woman, Free, Independent
Affectionate, Loving
Affectionate, Friend of All, Loving
Loving, Affectionate
Affectionate, Sympathetic, Affection, Sympathy
Heart Full, Affectionate, Cordial, Heartfelt
Young Attendant, Lord, Affectionate, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille
Affectionate, Worthy, Generous, God
Combined, Joined, Reclusive, Adhesion
Newborn Son, Loving, Newly-born, Affectionate
Affectionate, Having Warm Feelings, Sensitive, Another Name for God
Affectionate, Parvati
Father, New-Born Child, Newly-born, Loving
Kind, Affection, Empathy, Affectionate
Smooth, Affectionate, Tender
Goddess Laxmi, Lovable, Beautiful, Affectionate
Governor, Attached, Affectionate, Joined
Heart Full, Affectionate, Cordial, Heartfelt
Having Warm Feelings, Compassionate, Affectionate, Another Name for God
Affectionate, Kind
Commanding, Reverent, Life Giving, The Colour of Olive
Affectionate, Loving
Compassionate, Pardoning, Beneficent, Tender
Who Kisses, Affectionate, Beloved
Gentle, Sensitive, Affectionate
An Affectionate Woman
Love for Mind, Affectionate Heart
Affectionate, Variant of Names Like Kamelia and Kamille, Lord, Young Attendant
The Person with this Name, Would More Affectionate and Fond of Their Parents
Newborn, New-Born Child, Affectionate, Loving
An Affectionate Woman
An Affectionate Woman
Affectionate, From Heart, Cordial, Heartfelt
Adhesion, Joined, Affectionate, Garland
Affectionate, Tender
Newborn Son, Loving, Newly-born, Affectionate
Affectionate, Loving
Compassionate, Having Warm Feelings, Merciful, Another Name for God
Newly-born, Loving, Affectionate, Newborn Child
Affectionate, Well Bred
Kind, Empathy, Affectionate, Affection
Heartfelt, Cordial, Affectionate, Heart Full
Affectionate, From Heart, Cordial, Heartfelt
Who Kisses, Affectionate, Beloved
Beloved, Who Kisses, Affectionate
Newborn, New-Born Child, Affectionate, Newly-born
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