Names that mean Eleanor

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Sun, Variant of Helen, Excellent, The Bright One
Horn Coloured, Form of Cornelius, Yellow, Sun Burst
Burst of the Sun, Brightness, Mercy, Moon
Form of Eleanor, Shinning Light, Sun-ray
Horn, Champion, Torch, Moon
Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen, Horn Coloured, Sun Ray
Either To protect / preserve or branch / shoot
-Nelia, Moon Elope, -Nella, Cornelia
Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen, Light
Servant of God
Light, God is with Us, Eleanor, Helen
El-, Eleanor
Elder Brother, All, He (God) Was Gracious, Name of a King
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
Light, Variant of Eleanor
Variant of Helen, Mercy, Beloved, The Torch
Torch, Complete, the Other, -Ella
Sun Ray, Moon Elope, Eleanor, Horn Coloured
Sea of Bitterness, Beautiful, Star, Rebellious
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
Sun Ray, Diminutive of Eleanor, Shining Light, Moon
God is with Us, Eleanor, Horn, Helen
Sun Ray, Moon Elope, Eleanor, Horn Coloured
You are mine
Sun Ray, Mercy, The Torch, Brightness
Lord is God, Brightness, Sun Ray, Variant of Helen
Marigold, Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Derived from the Greek Helen, Form of Cornelius, Diminutive of Eleanor, Eyes, Leader, Guide
Form of Cornelius, Eleanor, Moon Elope, Horn
Sacred, little bone or servant of the saint's disciple
All, God is My Salvation, Eleanor, Famous Warrior
Brightness, Mercy, Torch, Shining
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
God is My Oath, Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen
Variant of Helen, Bitter, Rebellion, Moon
Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen, Horn Coloured, Sun Ray
The Word Mere Which Means Mother, Variant of Helen, Lady, Wished-for Child
Form of Eleanor, Moon Elope, Mercy, Torch
Variant of Eleanor, Light
Most Beautiful Woman, Sun Burst, Form of Cornelius, Eleanor
The Word Helios Meaning Sun, Variant of Helen, Shining, Mercy
Son of Emonie or son of Emma
Shining Light, Moon Elope, The Bright One, Form of Cornelius
From the North
Brightness, Mercy, Form of Eleanor, Foreign
Moon, Torch, Light, Eleanor
Sun Ray, Diminutive of Eleanor, Shining Light, Moon
Shining Light, Moon Elope, The Bright One, Form of Cornelius
Name Eleanor Spelled Backwards
Horn, Helen, Eleanor, Shining Light
Mercy, Sun Ray, Moon, Foreign
Horn Coloured, The Bright One, Torch, Diminutive of
Bright, Foreign, From Helen, Compassion
Shining, Torch, Form of Eleanor, Myrrh and Ocean
Completely, Other, Light, Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen
Sun, Light, The Torch, Form of Eleanor
Shining, Gothic, Gabriella, Variant of Helen
Yellow, Eleanor, Moon, The Bright One
Torch, Champion, Moon Elope, Horn
Yellow, Diminutive of, Torch, Derived from the Greek Helen

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