Names that mean Elevated

Updated: June 5th, 2024

Are you searching for a name that signifies loftiness, something that stands high and distinguished? Consider names that mean 'elevated'. We've compiled a lofty list of baby names that mean 'elevated'.

Names like Arlo, an English name meaning 'fortified hill', symbolizing an elevated place, or Altan, a Turkish name that translates to 'red dawn', often associated with elevated heights, might catch your interest.

Doesn't an elevated name impart a sense of pride, nobility, and grandeur?

Feel free to peruse our list of baby names that mean 'elevated'. Perhaps the ideal name, signifying pride and loftiness, is waiting to be discovered by you.

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Native of Magdala, From the High Tower, One who is Elevated
Elevated, God, Sublime, Lofty
Lofty, Supreme, High, Noble
Exalted, Elevated, Obedient, Platinum
Sami, Incomparable, Praised, Sublime, A celestial dancer
Woman from Kynthos, From the High Tower, Native of Magdala, One who is Elevated
Superior, All, Entire, Defending Men, Power
Shining, Bright, Elevated, Luminous
Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene, Of Magdala, One who is Elevated, Villager of Galilee
Elevated, Bee, God, Excellent
Lofty, Feminine of Alexander, Exalted One, Noble
Elevated, Uprising, Awake, Beautiful
Moral Height, High, Noble, Elevated
Defending Men, Noble, Exalted Elevated, All and Rich
Superior, Exalted Elevated, Excellence, Defending Men
Sublime, Rich, Of Noble Figure, Meadow
Lofty, Listener, Supreme, Exalted
Who has Well-Formed Chest, Elevated, Unstained, Goddess of Love
Defender of Mankind, Bee, Lofty, Whoever is Above
Darling, Slender, Beautiful, Dear
Lofty, Incomparable, Elevated
High, Obedient, Sami, Fame
Exalted, All Hearing, His Name is God, Lofty
The Pearl, Lofty, High, Beautiful
Similar, All Hearing, Beautiful, His Name is God
Beautiful, His Name is God, Exalted, Elevated
Eminent, Noble, Another Name for God, Lofty
Complete, Foreign, The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine, High
Supreme, Spear, Elf Friend, Noble
Noble, Thunder God, Elevated, Eminent
All Hearing, Sublime, Noble, Urban
Rule, Nobility, All, Entire, Exalted
Sublime, Another Name for God, Supreme, Sami
Sami, Listener, Noble, Exalted
Similar, Who is Like God, Sami, Elevated
Listener, Noble and Guardian, Obedient, Sublime
Spear of Strength, Sami, Another Name for God, Similar
Similar, Lofty, High, Another Name for God
Beautiful, Sublime, Supreme, Listener
Obedient, Supreme, Listener, Another Name for God
The Elevated One
Elevated, All Hearing, Noble, Eminent
Exalted, Elevated, One who is Honored, Honoured
Exalted, Sublime, High, Beautiful
Wisdom, High, Similar, Sami
Obedient, Supreme, High, Sami
The Moor, Lofty, Another Name for God, Eminent
Obedient, Another Name for God, Exalted, Noble
Sublime, Beautiful, The Element Biarga Meaning to Help, All Hearing
Honored, Elevated, Exalted, Honoured
All Hearing, Eminent, Sami, Sublime
Truthful, Defending Men, Power, Exalted
Exalted, Sublime, Obedient, Another Name for God
Also Mohammad's Son-in-law, Excellent, Whoever is Above, Defender of Mankind
Excellent, Bee, God, Exalted One
Sami, Lofty, All Hearing, Exalted
Heritage of the Ancestors, Eminent, Noble, Happy
Similar, Exalted, Iron, Supreme
Elevated, Lofty, Also Mohammad's Son-in-law, Exalted One
One who is Elevated
Beautiful, Listener, Noble, Sami
Strength, Force, Supreme, The Exalted One, Eminent
Eminent, Similar, Sublime, Lofty
Beautiful, Champion, Sami, People of Victory
All Hearing, Obedient, Victory and People, Elevated
Foremost, First, Elevated, Ultimate
The Elevated One
Noble, Giving Mercy, Merciful, High
High, All Hearing, His Name is God, Holy
High, Another Name for God, Helpers, Exalted
Fortunate, Beautiful, Lofty, Another Name for God
High, Sami, Supreme, Obedient
Whoever is Above, Excellent, Sublime, Lofty
Villager of Galilee Where Lived Mary Magdalene, From the High Tower, One who is Elevated, Woman from Magdala
Another Name for God, Bauer, Obedient, Exalted
Supreme, Beautiful, The August, Obedient
All Hearing, Obedient, His Name is God, Exalted
Eminent, Listener, All Hearing, Beautiful
Supreme, High, Eminent, His Name is God
Supreme, Lofty, The God is My Lord, Exalted
Noble, Happiness, His Name is God, Lofty
Heritage of the Ancestors, Obedient, His Name is God, Ancestor
From the Moor Town, Similar, Another Name for God, Supreme
God, Defender of Mankind, Light, Exalted One
Listener, Youth, Noble, Another Name for God
Sublime, His Name is God, Lofty, Exalted
His Name is God, Friend of Horses, High, Supreme
Similar, Who is Like God, Sami, Elevated
Sami, Another Name for God, Sublime, Beautiful
Rule, Nobility, All, Entire, Exalted
Noble, Flag, Exalted Elevated, Rule
High, Elevated, Superior
Obedient, Elevated, Lofty, Sami
Listener, Elevated, Sami, Yahweh is Gracious
His Name is God, Listener, Exalted, Elevated
The Empowered, Elevated, Exalted
House and King, All Hearing, Noble, Sami
Superior, Rule, Flag, New Moon
Elevated, Noble, Similar, Exalted
Natural Spirit, Flag, Truthful, All, Entire
Elevated, The Empowered, Exalted
Victory of the People, Elevated, Another Name for God, Exalted
Another Name for God, Similar, Supreme, Lofty
Sublime, All Hearing, Like the Lord, Another Name for God
Exalted, Sami, Who is Like God?, Child Born on Sunday
Sami, His Name is God, Beautiful, Supreme
Exalted, Beautiful, Another Name for God, Ladybird)
Like the Lord, Exalted, All Hearing, Beautiful
Similar, Sami, Listener, Noble
Superior, All and Rich, High, Flag
Sublime, All Hearing, Hardy, Exalted
Diligent, Elevated
Listener, Another Name for God, Beautiful, Sublime
Listener, Similar, All Hearing, Sami
Exalted, Elevated, Lofty, Sami
Supreme, Variant Form of Christine, His Name is God, Christian Woman
Sami, Obedient, Similar, Elevated
Elevated, All Hearing, Obedient, Exalted
Elevated, Goddess of Love, Honorable, Unstained
All Hearing, Wolf Fame, Sublime, Beautiful
Beautiful, Obedient, Sublime, Eminent
Obedient, His Name is God, Similar, Eminent
War Like, Sublime, Holy, All Hearing
Lofty, People of Victory, Elevated, Noble
Elevated, Favor, Happiness, Grace
Beautiful, Eminent, Intact, Another Name for God
Noble, Obedient, Elevated, Listener
Similar, Elevated, His Name is God, All Hearing
Reference to Biblical Mary Magdalene, Native of Magdala, High Tower, Maiden
Elevated, Venus, Unstained, Who has Well-Formed Chest
All Hearing, Obedient, Victory and People, Elevated
Elevated, Listener, Lady, Supreme
Another Name for God, Exalted, Similar, Bitter
Honest, Elevated, An Exalted Woman
Elevated, Goddess of Love, Honorable, Unstained
God Would Multiply, All Hearing, Obedient, Exalted
Woodland Maid, Another Name for God, From the Woods / Forest, Sublime
Risen, Prospered, Prosperous, Elevated
Another Name for God, Beautiful, Sami, Obedient
Similar, Sami, Listener, Noble
Eminent, His Name is God, All Hearing, Supreme
Listener, All Hearing, Obedient, Noble
Obedient, His Name is God, Elevated, Sami
Excellence, Exalted, Superior, Truthful
Obedient, House, Elevated, Sami
High, Eminent, Battle Maiden, Supreme
Champion, Victory and People, Sami, His Name is God
Elevated, Lofty
Elevated, Honoured
Supreme, Friendship, Listener, Similar
Elevated, Eminent
Humble, Supreme, Listener, Eminent
Elevated, Venus, Unstained, Who has Well-Formed Chest
Eminent, Similar, Sublime, Lofty
Champion, Victory and People, Sami, His Name is God
Exalted, Bright, All Hearing, Obedient
Gifted Daughter, Excellence, Full of Joy, Garland in Tamil
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