Names that mean Greek
Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Unknown
Healing, Healer, Mythical Leader, The Lord is Salvation
Has Shown Favor, Yahweh is Gracious, Masculine Form of the Greek Name Hyacinth Alas
Light, Divine, Daylight, Deity
Free-born, Religious, He Who is with the Illustrious, Acolyte
Greek, To Be Gentle, Latin, Buoyant
Horn Coloured, Form of Cornelius, Yellow, Sun Burst
Certain Fortune, The Mythological Greek God of Fate, Destiny
Excellent, Dusky, The Black, Greek
The Lord is Salvation, To Heal, A Healer, Greek Hero
Son of Elder, Alice
Son of Nicholas
Yahweh is Gracious, Masculine Form of the Greek Name Hyacinth Alas, Has Shown Favor
Follower of Dionysius, Of Zeus, Dedicated to Dionysos
Crystal, Unblemished, Precious Stone, Brilliant Glass
Maiden, Greek Poetess, Virgin
Dweller Near a Hollow, Greek Poetess, Seething Pool, From the Round Hill
Rich, Possesses a Lot, Mighty One, Knowing
Fort, Fertile Land, Abbreviation of Dionysius, Dedicated to Dionysos
Variant of Georgia, Farmer, Earth Worker, Earthworker
River, Earth, Bitterness, Merry
Love, Inspired By the Greek God of Love
Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen, Horn Coloured, Sun Ray
Seething Pool, The Hollow, From the Round Hill, Raven
Honeyed Sweetness, All Honey, Palombe, New Leaves
From Mount Olympus, Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested
Goddess of Woods and Hunting, Celestial Hunter, The Element Deiwo with the Meaning Light Deity, Daylight
Destiny, Certain Fortune, The Mythological Greek God of Fate
Servant of God
God is My Salvation, Variant of Elijah
Alpha, First Letter of the Greek Alphabet, Excellent
Giver of Life, Holy Woman, Originated from Greek
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Heal, A Healer, Greek Hero, Mythical Leader
Female Version of John, Brings Good News, Van Ki Devi, God is Gracious
Gift of God, Sorrows
Helper to the Priest, Attendant of Temple, Free-born, From a Roman Family Name
A Healer, To Heal, Greek Hero, The Lord is Salvation
Disciple of the Christ, Anointed, a Greek Translation of Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ = Anointed)
Commander and prince
the Healing, Mythical Leader, Heal, The Lord is Salvation
Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good, Knowing, Learned
Yahweh is Gracious, Butterfly, Diminutive of Vanessa, Merciful
The Original Old English Form of the Greek Cresida
Father of Jason in Greek Mythology
Healing, The Lord is Salvation, Heal, Greek Hero
The Original Old English Form of the Greek Cresida
Victor, Stream, Gem, Flower Name for Poppy
Greek, To Be Gentle, Latin, Buoyant
Destiny, Certain Fortune, The Mythological Greek God of Fate
Virgin, Greek Poetess, Maiden
Healer, Heal, Healing, Greek Hero
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
Splash of the Sun, Attractive, Light, Little Rock
Inspired By the Greek God Apollo, Apollinaria, Apelo Which Means Strength
Rhea was an Earth Mother, From the River's Mouth, Love, Merry
He (God) Was Gracious, Favoured, Strong, Full of Pride
From the Round Hill, Greek Poetess, Maiden, Ravine
Comely, Soft, Hawaiian, Peaceful
Latin, Tender, Greek, Buoyant
Healing, The Lord is Salvation, To Heal, Healer
The Black, Good, Dusky, Excellent
Pretty, Beautiful, Solitary One, Lioness
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Rich, Possesses a Lot, Mighty One, Knowing
Radiance, Rainbow, Flower
Sun Ray, Moon Elope, Eleanor, Horn Coloured
Yahweh is Gracious, Has Shown Favor, Masculine Form of the Greek Name Hyacinth Alas
Inspired By the Eponymous Greek Sun God, Sun
Mythical Leader, Heal, Greek Hero, Healing
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
Victory, Victorious
Greek, To Be Gentle, Latin, Buoyant
Girls, Theresa, Little Girl, Patron of Housewives and Servants
Maiden, Virgin Girl, Greek Poetess
Learned, Mighty One, Possesses a Lot, Tenderly Loved
Mistress, Lady
Inspired By the Greek Goddess of Peace, Palm Tree, The Peaceful
Sun Ray, Diminutive of Eleanor, Shining Light, Moon
Son of Nicholas
God the Honourable, Name of a Saint, Poet
Acolyte, Chamomile, He Who is with the Illustrious, Attendant of Temple
Sun Ray, Moon Elope, Eleanor, Horn Coloured
Peaceful, Palm Tree, Inspired By the Greek Goddess of Peace
God has done great deed
Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested, From Mount Olympus
Wool, Little Rock, Tender, Good Looking
Roman Goddess Hestia, Hearth, Chimney Fire, Similar to the Greek
Inspired By the Greek Goddess of Peace, Palm Tree, Peaceful
Favoured, Beautiful, Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Mercy
Greek God of Wine, Follower of Dionysius
One's Fate, Destiny, Certain Fortune
God, Follower of Dionysius, Of Zeus, Dedicated to Dionysos
Heal, The Lord is Salvation, A Healer, Mythical Leader
The Element Deiwo with the Meaning Light Deity, Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness, Virgin Goddess, Divine
Healer, the Healing, Heal, The Lord is Salvation
Jupiters Child Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove)
Wealthy, Mighty, Halo of the Moon, Greek
Abbreviation of Nicholas and Son of Nicholas
Inspired By the Greek God Apollo, Ready for Battle, Lion-bold, Lion Strength
Destiny, Certain Fortune, The Mythological Greek God of Fate
Healing, Greek Hero, Heal, Mythical Leader
Angel, Deriving from the Greek Word Αγγελος = Messenger, Angel
Healer, Heal, The Lord is Salvation, Greek Hero
Father of Jason in Greek Mythology
Mythical Leader, Heal, Healing, Greek Hero
Deer, Greek Goddess of the Moon, Celestial Hunter, Daylight
Greek Hero, Mythical Leader, the Healing, Heal
Christ-bearer, Crystal Which Derives Ultimately from Greek Κρυσταλλος = Ice, Disciple of the Christ, Anointed Christian
The Black, Dusky, Excellent, Greek
Cordula, Too: the Latest Developed, Virgin Girl, Maiden
Excellent, Dusky, The Black, Greek
Sea Nymph
God is Gracious, The Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood, Gods Gift, Brings Good News
To Heal, A Healer, Greek Hero, The Lord is Salvation
The Lord is Salvation, Heal, Healer, Greek Hero
Marigold, Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Derived from the Greek Helen, Form of Cornelius, Diminutive of Eleanor, Eyes, Leader, Guide
Goddess, Unknown
the Healing, Greek Hero, The Lord is Salvation, Healer
Soft Bearded, Youth, Downy, Youthful
Mythical Leader, the Healing, Healer, Greek Hero
Crystal, Ice, A Clear, Unblemished
Greek Form of Elijah, The Lord is My God
Form of Cornelius, Eleanor, Moon Elope, Horn
Son of Nicholas
Greek God of Wine
K from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos, Sparkling
Maiden, Greek Poetess, Virgin
Most Perfect, Religious, Attendant of Temple, Complete
Peaceful, The Word Eirene Which is of the Meaning Peace, Palm Tree
Heavenly, Virgin Goddess, Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness, Light
Has Shown Favor, Masculine Form of the Greek Name Hyacinth Alas, God has been Gracious
Heal, Mythical Leader, The Lord is Salvation, the Healing
The Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood, Van Ki Devi, God's Gracious Gift, Butterfly
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Julia, Jove's Child
Love, Bitterness, Merry, Rhea was an Earth Mother
Healing, Heal, Healer, Greek Hero
the Healing, Heal, Greek Hero, The Lord is Salvation
Flower, Rainbow, Radiance
The Mythological Greek God of Fate, Certain Fortune, Destiny
Acolyte Attendant At a Ritual, Variant of Camilla, Chamomile, Noble
Jove's Child, Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Dedicated to Jupiter
The Lord is Salvation, Hyakinthos, Hyacinth, Heal
Jove's Child, Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Dedicated to Jupiter
Mighty One, Greek, Possesses a Lot, Wealthy