Names that mean Possessor
Wealthy, Possess, Give, Prophet
Upholder of the Good, Great, Possesses a Lot, Wealthy
Rich, Possesses a Lot, Mighty One, Knowing
Possessor of the Good, English, Possesses a Lot, Wealthy
Sea, Give, Possessor of the Good, Wealthy
Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good, Knowing, Learned
Possessor of the Good, Great, Possesses a Lot, Wealthy
Learned, Possessor of the Good
Rich, Possesses a Lot, Mighty One, Knowing
Great, Possessor of the Good, Wealthy, Possesses a Lot
Learned, Mighty One, Possesses a Lot, Tenderly Loved
Give, Possesses a Lot, Maintain Well, Dunk Master
Possess, Possessor of the Good, Rich, Possesses a Lot
Black, Possess, Mighty, Red
Possess, Rich, Prophet, Give
Wealthy, Mighty, Halo of the Moon, Greek
Rich, River, Possesses a Lot, Wealthy
Rich, Wealthy, He that Informs Himself, Possesses a Lot
Give, Possesses a Lot, Maintain Well, Dunk Master
Give, Wealthy, Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good
Fifth, Counsel, Reason, He that Informs Himself
Mighty One, Greek, Possesses a Lot, Wealthy
Noble Minded, Possessor of Greatness, The Sun
Dunk Master, Rich, Mighty, Possesses a Lot
Intelligence, Descendant of Cuinn, Intelligent, Counsel
Greek, Dear, Sea, Tenderly Loved
Dunk Master, Possess, Give, Possesses a Lot
Knowing, Possesses a Lot, Female Version of Dariu / Darius, Greek
Nugget of Wisdom, Greek, Sea, Give
Rich, Female Version of Darius, Possesses a Lot, Great
Wealthy, Possesses a Lot, Rich, Female Version of Darius
Diminutive of Darby, Dear, Place Where Deer Graze, Loved
Possessor of Good Fortune, Wealthy, Lord Shiva
Gift of God, Mighty One, Maintain Well, Possess
Lord Vishnu, Possessor of Good Fortune
A Crown, To Mention, Possessor of the Good, People
Loved, Dear, Place Where Deer Graze, Diminutive of Darby
Possessor of Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu, Wealthy
Possessor of the Good, Dunk Master, He that Informs Himself, Prophet
Female Version of Darius, Wealthy, Rich, Possesses a Lot
Greek, Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good, Great
Knowing, Give, Maintain Well, Wealthy
Lord Vishnu, Possessor of Good Fortune
Greek, Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good, Great
Give, Wealthy, Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good
Wealthy, Possessor of Good Fortune, Lord Shiva
Give, Loved By God, David's Son, Maintain Well
Knowing, Possesses a Lot, Female Version of Dariu / Darius, Greek
Nugget of Wisdom, Wealthy, Possesses a Lot, Mighty One
Possesses a Lot, Female Version of Darius, Rich, Great
Confirmation, Healthy, Goddess Lakshmi, Agreed
Female Version of Darius, Great, Possesses a Lot, Rich
Endorsement, Nourishment, Possessor of All Wealth, Confirmation
Dunk Master, Wealthy, Rich, He that Informs Himself
He that Informs Himself, Give, Dunk Master, Mighty
Dunk Master, Possesses a Lot, Possessor of the Good, Rich
Strength, Intelligence, Wise, Freeman
Female Version of Darius, Wealthy, Rich, Great
Maintain Well, Mighty, Possesses a Lot, Dunk Master
Like a Light, Possessor of Lights
Possesses a Lot, Female Version of Darius, Rich, Great
Studying, Dunk Master, Student, Possesses a Lot
Like a Light, Possessor of Lights
Mighty, Possesses a Lot, A Prophets Name, Red Earth
Wealthy, Greek, Knowing, Give
Prophet, Give, Dunk Master, Mighty
Wealthy, Learned, Mighty One, Greek
The Possessor of All Strength
Possessor of the Good, Rich, Prophet, Give
Female Version of Darius, Wealthy, Rich, Possesses a Lot
Upholder of the Good, Wealthy, Great, Possesses a Lot
Form of David, Possesses a Lot, Possess, He that Informs Himself
Mighty, He that Informs Himself, Maintain Well, Dunk Master
Well Born, Thunder, Messenger, Lord
Comfortable, Possessor of Comfort
Give, Wealthy, Maintain Well, Possessor of the Good
France, Nugget of Wisdom, Sea, Possess
Wealthy, Possess, Give, Prophet
Nourishment, Confirmation, Possessor of All Wealth, Healthy
Swaroopavate Possessor of All Hymns
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