Names that mean Reign

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Powerful Warrior, To Govern and Loved, People of Power, Rule
God Rules
Strong Against God
Prince of God
Variant of Walter Rules, To Govern and Loved, Warrior, Rule
God Contends, Gift, English
May God Reign
Variant of Walter Rules, Strong, From Wales, Army Ruler
Prince of God
Divine Power, Rule, Ruler, Army
Rule, Commander of the Army, Reign, To Govern and Loved
Strong Against God
Rule, Reign, To Govern and Armed, Warrior
Reign, To Govern and Loved, People of Power, Rule
Force, Strength, Reign, Power
Warrior, Army, Reign, To Govern and Loved
God Contends
People of Power, Reign, Rule, Army
People of Power, Reign, Rule, To Govern and Loved
The Strong, Reign, Protection, Inspired By An Ancient Roman Sex
Army, Reign
Reign, Rule, Strong Protection, Power
To Govern and Loved, Powerful Warrior, Commander of the Army, Reign
God Contended, Battle
To Govern and Loved, Commander of the Army, Rule, Reign
Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
Reign, Army
Peace, Protection, Safety, Reign
Power, Rule, Reign, Force
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Reign, To Govern and Loved, People of Power, Rule
God perseveres, Contender with God
Reign, Army, Rule
This was the Name of a Skilled Kufic (Script) Writer who Wrote Copies of the Quran During the Reign of Mutasim, This was the Name of a Skilled Kufic Script Writer who Wrote Copies of the Quran During the Reign of Muslim
Reign of Glory
Reign, Protector on the Battlefield, Protection
Rule, Castle, Reign, Protection
Peace, Protection, Safety, Reign
Reign, People of Power, Rule, Powerful Warrior
Force, Reign
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Protector on the Battlefield, Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
Protection, Mighty Mountain, Reign
Contender with God and God Perseveres
Strong Against God
Powerful Warrior, Reign, Rule, People of Power
Strong Fighter, To Govern and Loved, Warrior, Rule
Peace, Protection, Safety, Reign
Reign, Mighty Mountain, Protection
Mighty Mountain, Reign, Protection
To Govern and Loved, Powerful Warrior, Reign, Rule
The Healthy, Protection, Peace, Rule
Reign, Mighty Mountain, Protection
Peace, To be Healthy and Strong, Power, Protection
Force, Reign
Rule, Reign, Force, Power
Reign, Raven
Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
Peace, To be Healthy and Strong, Power, Protection
Strong Against God
God Rules
Army, Reign
Strong Against God
People of Power, To Govern and Loved, Rule, Reign
Reign, Peace
Contender with God
Secret, Reign
Protection, Rule, Safety, Peace
Raven, Reign, Rule
Reign, Mighty Mountain, Protection
Strength, Power, Rule, Reign
Powerful Warrior, To Govern and Loved, Reign, People of Power
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Contender with God and God Perseveres
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Peace, Protection, Safety, Reign
People of Power, To Govern and Loved, Reign, Powerful Warrior
Vigorous, Reign, Healthy, The Strong
People of Power, To Govern and Loved, Powerful Warrior, Reign
God Rules
God Perseveres
Peace, To be Healthy and Strong, Power, Protection
Reign, Peace
Protection, Reign, Safety, Peace
Army, Reign
Reign, Struggle
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Mighty Mountain, Reign, Protection
Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
To Govern and Loved, Rule, Powerful Warrior, Commander of the Army
Strong Against God
High, Eminent, Protection, All Hearing
Reign, Mighty Mountain, Protection
Peace, To be Healthy and Strong, Power, Protection
Mighty Mountain, Reign, Protection
Protection, Mighty Mountain, Reign
Vigorous, Reign, Healthy, The Strong
Vigorous, Reign, Healthy, The Strong
Vigorous, Reign, Healthy, The Strong
Lofty, Exalted, High, His Name is God
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Mighty Mountain, Protection, Reign
Reign, Struggle
Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
Reign, To be Healthy and Strong, Vigorous, Safety
Protection, Reign, Safety, Peace
Power, Rule, Force, Reign

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