Names that mean Sun

The power of the sun is something that has been celebrated throughout human history. Ancient civilizations paid homage to the sun, recognizing its importance to life on earth. Today, many parents are still drawn to the power of the sun and opt to give their children baby names that reflect its beauty and strength. There are some truly unique and stunning baby names that represent the sun in its many forms.
Solar-inspired names can range from the modern, such as Sol or Soleil, to the traditional, like Helios or Surya. The sun is also connected to many gods and goddesses from mythology, many of whom have beautiful and unique names, such as Solana, Apollo, and Amaterasu.
Have a look at the following list of baby names inspired by the sun
Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray, Shinning Light
Hazel, Leader, Hazelnut, Reddish Brown
Sun, Variant of Helen, Excellent, The Bright One
Exalted, Summer, August, Revered
From the Lane, Bright Light, Variant of Helen, Torch
Master, Ruler, Far Sighted, The Element Kyrios Which Means Lord
Greek, To Be Gentle, Latin, Buoyant
Horn Coloured, Form of Cornelius, Yellow, Sun Burst
Brilliant, Happy Day, Bright Disposition, Optimistic
Light, Torch, Shining, Burst of the Sun
Sun Ray, God Gives the Laurel, The Crown of Victory, Foreign
Supplanter, The Sun, One Who Supplants, Yahweh May Protect
Sun Child Little Sun and Strong As the Sun
One who witnesses, Bright
Brave, Lion-bold, Hardy, Burst of the Sun
Aveline, Beautiful, Lovable, Burst of the Sun
My Father, The Sun and Air, Honest
Name of a place in New York
Sun, God is My Salvation
Splash of the Sun, Light, Pure, Moon
Burst of the Sun, Brightness, Mercy, Moon
Like a Lion, The Other, Sun Ray, Light
Empire, Beauty of the Stars, Good, Star
Horn, Champion, Torch, Moon
Heard of God, Strong Person, To Hear, Sun
Pleasant Wood, Sun, Sea
Hardy, Brave as a Lion, Abbreviation of Leonard, Lion-bold
Variant of Helen, Light, Sun Ray, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity
Loveable, God Gift, First Ray of the Sun, Sweet
Ruler, Governor, Sultan, Sovereign
A Part of Sun, Lord Vishnu, Vishnus Ansh
Fast like an Ostrich, Red rose, Consort of the sun, Little princess
Resplendent, Splendour, Intelligent, The Sun or the King
The Roarer, Lord Shiva, Rudraksha, Sun
Ireland, Full of Joy, Sun Ray, Discuss
Sun Ray, Dawn, Heavenly, Dawning
Sun, Bright Disposition, Cheerful, Shining
Hardy, Lion, Tender, Splash of the Sun
The Sun, Lord Surya (Sun), Powerful Boy, Smart
Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen, Horn Coloured, Sun Ray
Early Rays of the Sun, Sunshine
From the High Tower, Lena, Magdalena, Variant of Marlene
Far Sighted, Like the Sun, The Element Kyrios Which Means Lord, Far-Sighted
-Nelia, Moon Elope, -Nella, Cornelia
Gift of God, First Rays of Sun
Sun, Honest, My Father
Shinning Light, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Sun Ray, Foreign
Tawny, Lord Siva, Fire, The Moon
Honest, Sun, My Father is Exalted
The Sun, Lord Shiva
My Father, The Sun and Air, Honest
Moon Stream, Moon-Like
The Elements Dawn, Awakening, Sun Arising, Daybreak
Full of Sunshine, Bright Disposition, Of the Sun, Cheerful
The Element Helios Meaning Sun, Moon Elope, Reed, Shoot
Shining One, Path, Roadway, Lives by the Lane
Fast Like an Ostrich, Little Princess, Consort of the Sun, Red Rose
Son of Aditi, Goddess Parvati, Thesun, Newly Risen Sun
Honest, My Father is the Lord, Sun
Ray of Sun, Lives by the Lane
Servant of God
Moon Stream, Moon-Like
House, Struggle, Sol, Sun
Shining Light, Sun, Variant of Helen, Foreign
Lord Shiva, Early Morning, Time Before Day Break, Trade
The Sun, Sun
Begetter, Sun, Beauty of the Stars
Hazelnut, The Hazel Tree, Reddish Brown, Leader
One who Not Sitting or Resting
Pet Form of James Used as a Woman's Name, Beautiful, Supplanter, The Sun
The Sun of Valour, Prowess, Praiseworthy, Strength
Morning Star, Sun
Light, God is with Us, Eleanor, Helen
Supreme Spirit, Vehicle of God Agni, Lord Rama, Male Sheep
Hazelnut, Colour of Sun Set, The Hazel Tree, Leader
Sunlight, Feminine Form of Mihir, The Sun
Moon, Sun, Beautiful, Loving Nature
Active, Sun, Captivating, Fascinating
Shining, Burst of the Sun, Beautiful, The Words Aveline Meaning Hazelnut
As Hard as Earth, Strong, Charismatic Personality, Lives in a Group
Shinning Light, Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray
Fragrance, The Sun, A Planet, With Faith
Sun Child, Bright Sun
The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Moon, Light, Sun
King Or Ocean, The Sun
Pleasant, Pure, Bright Ray of the Sun
Greek, To Be Gentle, Latin, Buoyant
Sun, God is My Light, Strange, Shining
Maid, Woman of the Wood, Hall, Struggle
Moon, Lord Krishna, Raise of Sun
Elder Brother, All, He (God) Was Gracious, Name of a King
Ball of Fire, Sun, Chosen, Fascinating
The Sun, Goddess Lakshmi
Radiant, Burst of the Sun, Beautiful, Lovable
First Ray of Sun
Combination of Maria and Magdalene, Bitter, Sea, Sun
My God is Yahweh, Nobility, Shining, the Other
Dawn, Reddish-Brown-Haired, Red Colour, Sun
The Sun, Blue
The Hazel Tree, Colour of Sun Set, Hazelnut, Reddish Brown
The Hazel Tree, Colour of Sun Set, Leader, Hazelnut
Small, Thread, Born to Wealthy Parents, To Adjust
Ray of Sun, Lives by the Lane
Lord Sun or North-East Direction, Master, Shining, Desiring and Wishing
Renew, The Sun, Hug
King Or Ocean, The Sun
Torch, Intelligent, My God is Yahweh, Pure
Mountain Strength, Ireland, Who does Not have Any Enemies, Sun Ray
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
Fortunate, Born on Saturday, Beneficent, First Light of Sun
Burst of the Sun
Splash of the Sun, Attractive, Light, Little Rock
Sun Ray, Shoot, Wicker, The Torch
A Famous Historical Prince, The Sun
Shade from Sun
The Rays of the Sun
Rays of Sun, One who is Knowledgeable, Lord Shiva, Siva
Ceremony, Religious, An Angel of the Sun, Festive
God is with me
Of the Sun
Sun Ray, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, God is My Light, Basket
A Famous Historical Prince, The Sun
Part of Sun
Son, Sun, Like a Bear, A Young Boy
Variant of Helen, Mercy, Beloved, The Torch
First Ray of Sun, Strong, Miracle
Comely, Soft, Hawaiian, Peaceful
Shinning Light, Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray
Sun God, Son of Aditi
Become Rich, Empire, Star, Sun
Friendly, The Sun, Friend
Variant of Helen, Foreign, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Shinning Light
August, Summer, The Dignified, Worthy of Respect
Decreasing, Obedient, The Sun, Bending
Latin, Tender, Greek, Buoyant
Bright and Beautiful as the Sun
Honest, Joyous, Faithful, Delight
Of the Sun
Sun, Strange, Bad, Poor Man, Loneliness, Mary of Solitude
Protecting Hands, Decision Protector, The He-Goat, Dutch
Doe, Sun
Full of Joy, Peace, Ireland, Sun God
Lovable, Shining, Eveline, Radiant
Horn, Sun Burst
Eveline, Aveline, Shining, Lovable
Emerging Sun
The Bright One, Basket, Shoot, Moon
Torch, Complete, the Other, -Ella
Far-Sighted, Ruler, Far Sighted, Young
Sun, Friend
Sun Ray, Moon Elope, Eleanor, Horn Coloured
Sea of Bitterness, Beautiful, Star, Rebellious
The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Shinning Light, Sun Ray, Torch
The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Foreign, Light, Variant of Helen
Lord of Sun, Bright, Peak, Shade
Fascinating, Ball of Fire, Active, Sun
White, Moon, Too: the Whiteness, Rising Sun
Like the Sun, Master, Lord, Ruler
Time, Black, A Small Part, a Digit of the Moon, Art, Lady
Burst of the Sun, Aveline, Beautiful, Shining
Life, Comfort, A Variant of Aisha