Names that mean Wend
Friend's hill
Wanderer, A Wend
Vandals, Wend, Open Area, Look Healthy
A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, To Govern, Wendish, Open Area
Of Alexander and defender of the people
Vandals, Wendish, To Govern, Look Healthy
Vandals, Wendish, To Govern, Look Healthy
Wanderer, A Wend
Vandals, Look Healthy, To Govern, Get Fat
Wendish, Get Fat, Wanderer, Open Area
To Govern, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Wend, Wendish
The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, Get Fat, Open Area, Wanderer
Wanderer, To govern, Look healthy
Open Area, Vandals, Get Fat, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group
Open Area, Vandals, Get Fat, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group
Wish, Wend, Wendish
Wendish, Get Fat, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, To Govern
Look Healthy, The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, To Govern, Wanderer
A Wend, Wanderer
To Govern, The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, Get Fat, Open Area
Wanderer, Look Healthy, Vandals, Wend
To Govern, Wendish, The, Wish
Open Area, Vandals, Get Fat, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group
Wanderer, Wend, Open Area, Vandals
Vandals, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Wendish, To Govern
Vandals, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Wendish, English
The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, Wendish, To Govern, Get Fat
A Wend, Wanderer
Wend, Wanderer
Wendish, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Open Area, Get Fat
Vandals, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Look Healthy, Open Area
Protection, Enclosure, Wend, Fence
Wanderer, Vandals, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, To Govern
A Wend, Wanderer
Wends, Peter Pan, Wend, White and Smooth
Wend, Look Healthy, Open Area, Wanderer
Wanderer, A Wend
Wanderer, A Wend
He fights for his desires
Graceful, Look Healthy, Wild Cow, Vandals
The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, Open Area, Get Fat, To Govern
Look Healthy, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Open Area, Vandals
Literary, Wend, Peter Pan, Soft
To Govern, Wendish, The, Wish
Wendish, Desire, To Govern, Wanderer
Wends, Peter Pan, Wend, White and Smooth
To Govern, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Wendish, Vandals
A Wend, Wanderer
A Wend, Wanderer
Vandals, Look Healthy, To Govern, Get Fat
Wanderer, A Wend
Open Area, Vandals, Get Fat, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group
Protection, Enclosure, Wend, Fence
Look Healthy, The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, To Govern, Wanderer
Get Fat, Wend, Wanderer, Open Area
Similar to Wanda, Wend, Wish, Wanderer
Wend, Wanderer
Vandals, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Look Healthy, Open Area
A Wend, Wanderer
White and Smooth, Get Fat, The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, Wendish
The Word Wend Which is of the Meaning Wends Vandals, Open Area, Look Healthy, To Govern
Protection, White and Smooth, Fence, Vandals
Fence, Protection, Enclosure, Wend
A Wend, Wanderer
The, Wanderer, To Govern
Get Fat, Look Healthy, Open Area, Wanderer
To Govern, Wendish, Vandals, Open Area
Wanderer, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, A Wend
A Wend, Wanderer