Names that mean Ascension
Ascent, The Lord will Help, Defender of Mankind, Height
Elevation, Height, Uplifted, Exalted
Height, Ascend, the Superior, The Lord will Help
Earth, Uplifted, Cardamom Tree, The Lord is My God
Ascension to Heaven, Desh Ki Bhoomi Mitii, Place of Ascent
Ascend, The Lord will Help, Height, Ascension
Height, The Lord will Help, Defender of Mankind, the Superior
Elevation, Uplifted, My God, Ascend
My God, The Lord will Help, Uplifted, Elevation
Defender of Mankind, My God, Exalted, Elevation
Glorious Glorified, The 7Th Month of the Muslim Year
The Lord is My God, Ascent, Exalted, Height
My God, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, To be Clever, Defender of Mankind
Height, Mounting, Ascension, Exaltation
Uplifted, Ascension, Elevation, the Superior
Daughter of Manu, Uplifted, Sword Tip, Ascent
My God, Learning, Elevation, Defender of Mankind
The Lord will Help, the Superior, Uplifted, My God
Moon in Ascension, Encouraging
Exalted, The Lord is My God, Height, Ascent
the Superior, The Lord is My God, Uplifted, Ascend
My God, Ascend, Ascension, Ascent
Ascension, Dedicated to God
Ascension, Despondency
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