Names that mean Believer
Trustworthy, Belief, Faithful
Believer, Faith
Faith, Faithful, Belief
Faithful, Truly Believing, Female Version of Mumin, Believer (in Islam)
True and Upright, Righteous, Who Rejects the Error, Pure Muslim
Follower of Prophet Abraham, Who Rejects the Error, True, Righteous
Faith, Believer
Son, A Zuni Indian, Believer
Orthodox, Upright, True Believer
Believer, Believers, Faithful
Believer, Faith
Truthful, Faith, Honest, Trustworthy
Believer, Faithful, Believers
Believer, One who Submits to Allah, Who Preserves Evil, Follower of Islam
Worships God
True, Upright, Pure Muslim
Who has Faith, Belief, Faithful
Faith In Allah, Honest, Faithful, Truthful
True Believer, Upright
Noble, True Believer
Son, Believer, A Zuni Indian
Devout Believer, Submitting Oneself to God
Son, Believer, A Zuni Indian
Thankfulness, Believer
Who Preserves Evil, One who Submits to Allah, Follower of Islam, Believer
Follower of Islam, Believer, One who Submits to Allah, Who Preserves Evil
God is My Hero
Faith, Believer
Son, A Zuni Indian, Believer
Son of Jabala in the Mahabharata, Believer In Truth
Faith In Allah, Name of a Raga, Belief, Powerful
Believer, Who has Faith
Believer, Faith
Believer, One who Submits to Allah, Who Preserves Evil, Follower of Islam
Faith, Believer
A Zuni Indian, Believer, Son
Faith In Allah, Belief, Faithful
Little Frenchman, Faith, Name of a Raga, Belief
Devout Believer, Submitting Oneself to God
Righteous, True and Upright, Pure Muslim, Who Rejects the Error
God is my hero
Believer, Faith
Faith, Believer
Knowledge, A Zuni Indian, Wisdom, Sagacity
Faith In Allah, Faithful, Belief
Pious, Faithful
Follower of Islam, One who Submits to Allah, Who Preserves Evil, Believer
Who Rejects the Error, Follower of Prophet Abraham, Righteous, Pious
Name of a Raga, Belief, Faithful, Faith
Pious, Faithful
Firm Believer
Who has Faith, Belief, Faithful
Believer, Confident, Faithful Friend
Faith In Allah, Name of a Raga, Belief, Faithful
Believer, Son, A Zuni Indian
Submitting Oneself to God, Devout Believer
Pious, Faithful
Believer of Faith, Faithful, Belief
Believer of Faith, Faithful, Belief
Pious, Faithful
Pious, Faithful