Names that mean Broad

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Descendant of Bradan, Broad Hillside
Descendant of BrĂ¡ghadach, Spirited, Wide Island
Broad Meadow, Wide Forest Clearing, Big Clearance Sale
Descendant of Bradan, Broad Hillside, Salmon
Broad Hillside, Descendant of Bradan, Salmon
From the Broad Valley, Descendant of Bradan Salmon
Broad Hillside, Descendant of Bradan
Form a broad hillside
Descendant of Bradan, From the Dark Valley, Broad Hillside
Surname, From the Broad Ridge, Brother, Form of Roderick
From the Broad Valley, Descendant of Bradan
Broad Ford, Wide River-crossing
Salmon, From the Broad Valley, Descendant of Bradan
Broad Field, English Surnames Related to Bradley
Wide Forest Clearing, Broad, Big Clearance Sale
Woodland clearing
Descendant of Bradan Salmon, Broad Hillside
Freckled or speckled
Renowned Ruler, Surname, Brother, From the Broad Ridge
Broad-spreading Oak, One who Lives By a Broad Oak
Broad Hillside
Descendant of Bradan Salmon, From the Broad Valley
Broad Hillside, Descendant of Bradan Salmon
Brown, Hardy, Bärenstarke, New, Young
Descendant of Bradan, Salmon, Broad Hillside
Wife of Orpheus In Mythology, Broad Justice
Long, Broad, Huge, Big
Broad Hillside, Salmon, Descendant of Bradan
Broad Meadow, Wide Forest Clearing, Big Clearance Sale
Knowledge, Merciful, Renowned Ruler, Brother
Forgiver, Indulgent, Broad of Heart
Bear-brave, Lives by the Red Stream, Hardy, Bear
Knowledge, From the Broad Valley, Salmon
Broad Hillside, From the Dark Valley, Descendant of Bradan
Wide Island, Descendant of BrĂ¡ghadach, Spirited, From the Broad Meadow
Broad Clearing in the Wood, English Surnames Related to Bradley, Large Virginal Forest
Wide Stream, From the Broad Well
From the Broad Well, Wide Stream
Descendant of BrĂ¡ghadach, Broad, Wide Island, Spirited
Gift of Love, Spacious, Broad
Broad Hillside, Salmon
Spacious, A King from the Epics, Lover, The Earth
From the Red Brook, Damp Place
Renowned Ruler, Surname, Brother, From the Broad Ridge
One who Lives By a Broad Oak, Broad-spreading Oak
Broad Hillside
From the Broad Valley, Descendant of Bradan Salmon
Broad Meadow, Wide Forest Clearing, Big Clearance Sale
Dweller on the Broad Island, Spirited, Descendant of BrĂ¡ghadach
Broad, Huge, Giant, Massive
Descendant of Bradan, Broad Hillside
From the Broad Spring
From the Broad Meadow
Surname, From the Broad Ridge, Brother, Form of Roderick
From the Broad Brook, From the Wide Stream
From the Broad Valley, Descendant of Bradan
From the Broad Well, Wide Stream
Long, Broad, Huge, Big
From the Broad Ridge, Renowned Ruler, Surname, Form of Roderick
From the Broad Ridge
Surname, Form of Roderick, Brother, Renowned Ruler
Giant, Big, Broad, Huge
Wide Stream, From the Broad Well
Broad Clearing in the Wood
From the Broad Valley
Broad Hillside, Salmon
Renowned Ruler, Surname, Brother, From the Broad Ridge
Surname, Form of Roderick, Brother, Renowned Ruler
Broad Ford, Wide River-crossing
Giant Armed, Broad Chested Lord
Brad Meaning Broad, Wide Forest Clearing, Big Clearance Sale
Giant, Big, Broad, Huge
From the Broad Island
Having Broad Shoulders, With Wide Shoulders
Brad Meaning Broad, Wide Forest Clearing, Big Clearance Sale
Strong, Broad Shouldered
Renowned Ruler, Brother, From the Broad Ridge, Surname
Renowned Ruler, Brother, From the Broad Ridge, Surname
Wide River-crossing, Broad Stream
From the Broad Ridge
Broad, Huge, Giant, Massive
From the Broad Brook, From the Wide Stream
Broad-spreading Oak, One who Lives By a Broad Oak
Wide River-crossing, Broad Ford
From the Broad Ridge
From the Broad Brook, From the Wide Stream
From the Broad Brook, From the Wide Stream
From the Broad Brook, From the Wide Stream
Broad Ford, Wide River-crossing
Wide River-crossing, Broad Ford
Descendant of BrĂ¡ghadach, Broad, Spirited, Wide Island
From the Broad Ridge, Renowned Ruler, Surname, Form of Roderick
From the Broad Ridge, Renowned Ruler, Surname, Form of Roderick

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