Names that mean Charles

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Gender : Sort by :
Man, Little and Womanly, Vigorous, Army
Darling, Handsome, Strong, Husband
Husband, Vigorous, Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Little and Womanly
Sorrow, Fickle, Carl, Goddess Lakshmi
Feminine Variant of Charles, Joy, Little and Womanly, Manly
One who is of divine favor or selected from several
Woman of Magdala, Light, Palm Tree, Mild
Female Version of Charles, Joy, Strong, Free Man
Dog, Bold, Surname Derived from Charles, Courageous
Man, Form of Charles, Strong, Vigorous
Female Version of Charles, Free Man, Manly, Strong
Female Version of Charles, Little and Womanly, Joy, Bountiful Orchard
Female Version of Charles, Husband, Man, Melody
Strong and Manly, Man, Feminine Variant of Charles, Husband
Kale, Cabbage, Man, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Husband
Surname Derived from Charles, Bold, Courageous, Dog
Variant of Carl, Free Man, Husband
Settlement of Freemen, From Carl's Farm, Farmer's Town, Place Name
Husband, Pure, Vigorous, Female Version of Charles Manly
Female Version of Carl, Charles, Small Champion
Gift of gab, Persuasive, Once God has written
Bold, Surname Derived from Charles, Courageous, Dog
Place of worship, lord's house and cape
Army, Little and Womanly, Man, Husband
Dog, Surname Derived from Charles, Bold, Courageous
Carl, Joyful song, Gust of wind
Song of Happiness, Joy, Strong, Little and Womanly
Little and Womanly, Man, Glam, Strong
Little, Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Female Version of Charles, Husband
God is guiding me
From Charles Dwelling, Farmer's Settlement, Man, Place Name
Variant of Charles Manly, Charm, Grace, Song
Joy, Female Version of Charles, Beautiful Woman, Little and Womanly
Form of Carleton, From Carl's Farm, Farmer's Town, Peasant Settlement
Joy, Female Version of Charles, Beautiful Woman, Little and Womanly
Little and Womanly, Carl, Man, Female Version of Charles
Of Carl and Charles, Little, Form of Caroline, Feminine for
Laurel Wreath, Joy, Man, Husband
God is the king
Courageous, Bold, Surname Derived from Charles, Dog
Strong, Joyful Song, Curly-haired, Husband
Form of Charles, Man
Petite and Feminine, Strong, Form of Charlotte, Vigorous
Vigorous, Song of Happiness, Husband, Carl
Joy, Female Version of Charles, Beautiful Woman, Little and Womanly
Free Man, Form of Charles, Little One Dark Haired, Husband
Charles, Song of Joy, Man, Strong
Female Version of Charles or Carl, Man, Vigorous, Husband
Surname Derived from Charles, Courageous, Son of Cathalain, Dog
Husband, Strong and Manly, Man, Form of Charles
Strong, Tiny and Feminine, Place Name, Glam
Form of Carleton, Farmer's Town, Place Name
Fickle, Pain, Lady of Sorrows, Strong Woman
From Carew Castle, Little and Womanly, Song of Joy, Precious Jewel
Free Man, Strong, Vigorous, Little
Song of Happiness, Little, Vigorous, Joy
God is great
Beautiful, Female Version of Charles, Man, Husband
Dog, Surname Derived from Charles, Bold, Courageous
Manly, Modern Form of Charles
Vigorous, Song of Joy, Strong, Little and Womanly
New house
Husband, Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Feminine Variant of Charles, Strong
Thistle-covered place
Little and Womanly, Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Army, Husband
God gave
Combination of Cara and Lynn, Manly, Freeman, Beloved
Army, Glam, Tiny and Feminine, Strong
Carol and Ann, Feminine Variant of Charles
Manly, Modern Form of Charles
Darling, Cutest Boy, Strong, Vigorous
Little and Womanly, Free Man, Carl, Female Version of Charles
Little and Womanly, Glam, Army, Strong
Vigorous, Feminine Variant of Charles, Womanly, Joy
God exists
Bold, Courageous, Surname Derived from Charles, Dog
Man, Tiny and Feminine, Husband, Strong
Little and Womanly
Man Warrior, Song of Happiness, Husband, The Fortified Tower
Man Warrior, Tiny and Feminine, Army, Carl
Feminine of Charles, Husband, Strong, Glam
Pure, Carl, Female Version of Charles, Feminine
Charles, Female Version of Carl, Small Champion
Servant of the chambers
God is merciful
Little, Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Female Version of Charles, Husband
Man, Husband, Tiny and Feminine, Army
Blind, sixth and heavenly
Manly, Man, Husband, Joy
God did a greater deed
Song of Happiness, Little and Womanly, Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Beautiful Woman
God is strength
Carl, Little One Dark Haired, Manly, Feminine Variant of Charles
Army, Free Man, Tiny and Feminine, Carl
Free Man, Strong, Farmer, Form of Charles
Bright Red, Variant of Charles Manly, Song, Charm
Strong, Beloved, Song of Joy, Womanly
Manly, Form of Charles
Courageous, Dog, Surname Derived from Charles, Bold
Diminutive with Royal Connotations, Song of Happiness, Vigorous, Carl
Form of Charles, Man
God graciously gave
Manly, From Laurentium, Song of Happiness, Little and Womanly
Form of Katherine, Carl, Feminine, Curly-haired
Strong, Feminine Variant of Charles, Carol and Anne
Husband, Form of Carolyne, Little and Womanly, Strong
God possesses
Sorrow, Carl, Fickle, Lady of Sorrows
Nineteenth-century Irish Nationalist Charles Parnell, Little Rock
Variant of Charles Manly, Charm, Grace, Song
Manly, Free Man, Carl, Husband
Variant of Charles Manly, Charm, Grace, Song
Husband, Vigorous, Tiny and Feminine, Free Man
Free Man, Little and Womanly, Sheryl, Marilyn
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