Names that mean Desire

Updated: June 5th, 2024

Are you charmed by names that embody passion, yearning, and desire? Then names that mean 'desire' might just pique your interest. We've compiled a compelling list of baby names that mean 'desire'. Think of names like Miko, a Japanese name that translates to 'beautiful', 'chronicle', or 'desire', or Kamon, a Thai name meaning 'heart's desire'.

Doesn't a name meaning 'desire' encapsulate a deep yearning, a strong passion for life and all its experiences?

Feel free to explore our list of baby names that mean 'desire'. The perfect name, brimming with passion and longing, could just be waiting for your discovery.

Gender : Sort by :
Wish, Desire
Pearl, Will Desire Helmet
Controller, Give, Given, God
Helmet, Desire, Protection, Will
Helmet, Desire, Just One, Giver
Helmet, Protection, Desire, Will
Desire, To Try
Composition, Will and Helmet, Protection, Desire
Desire, Mother of Lord Mahavir, Having Thirst, Desirous
Longing, Yearning, Wish, Desire
Valley, Protection, Unwavering Protector, Will Desire
Little Frenchman, Peace, Aristrocratic Lady, Glory
Desires, Wish, Desire, One who is Desired
Hope, Desire
Will, Composition, Desire, Brave
Well-Known, Noble, Sublime, Friendly
Another Name of Parvati, She is the Queen of Transcendental Desire
Desire, Wish
Deep Desire
Husband, Gift from God, Desire, Another Name for Krishna
To desire, Love
Will Desire, Protection, Unwavering Protector, Will-helmet
Will, Will-helmet, Unwavering Protector, Protect
Remembrance, Understanding, Wish, Desire
Will, Protect, Unwavering Protector, Protection
Longing, Affection, Desire, Desired
Truth of Life, God, With Great Desire and Wish
To desire, Love
Well-Groomed who Ruled the Earth for Thousands of Years., Fulfils Desire, Pleasure-Seeking
Aristocratic the Three Goddesses Shakthi, Victory, Noble Woman, Noblewoman
Wish, Whole, Desire
Desired, Desire, Wish, Goddess Lakshmi
Desire, A Plant, Wish
Composition, Will, Strength, Desire
Awesome, A Wish, Desire
Bright, Will, Desire, Protection
To rule and glory
Valley, Will and Helmet, Protection, Protect
Will, Protection, Desire, Helmet
Desire, Resolute Protector, Will, Protect
Will and Helmet, Feminine Variant of William, Resolute Protector, Protect
Will, Desire, Protection, Helmet
To Govern, Wendish, The, Wish
Bright as an Angel, Famous, Composition, Renowned Northerner
Feminine Variant of William, Protect, Will Helmet, Resolute Guardian
Will, Determined Fame, Famous, Desire
Wendish, Desire, To Govern, Wanderer
Wish, Desire, The Mirror of Love
Desire, Wood, Victory, Forest
Resolute Protector, Desire and Protection, Will Helmet, Feminine Variant of William
One who has a Desire and Searches, One who has a Desire and Sea
Feminine Variant of William, Protect, Will Helmet, Resolute Guardian
Protection, Admirable, Desire, Wonderful
Protection, Light, Helmet, Hazelnut
Wish, Desire, Thirst, Lucky Star
Wish, Desire
Desire, Ambition, Wish, Hope
Oat pasture
Will, Will-helmet, Resolute Protector, Protection
Desire, Protection, Composition, Will
Loveable, Desire
Hello, Living, Existence, Wish
Desirable, God is Salvation, Prophet, Another Name for Vishnu
Desire, Desire Ambition
Will, The Word Aemulus Which is of the Meaning Imitating Rivaling, Emulus, Resolute Protector
Female Version of Patrick, Nobleman, Victory, Noblewoman
Helmet, Resolute Protector, Protect, Desire and Protection
My Desire is God
Wish or Strong Desire
Wish, Will Of, Desire
Ardent Desire
Desire, Wish
Peace, Desire, The Ocean, Glory
Resolute Protector, Desire and Protection, Will Helmet, Feminine Variant of William
Lord, Gift, Another Name for Krishna, Give
Desire, Wish
Famous, Brilliant, Composition, Desire
Protection, Bright, Will and Helmet, Purposeful Peace
Helmet, Drop, Miroslawa, Peace
Protect, Will-helmet, Will, Protection
Protection, Safety, Peaceful, A Wish for Peace
Desire, Wish, Iksha
Controller, Gift, Give, Another Name for Krishna
Advise, Adviser, Will, Hermit
Individual, Little, Giver, Single
Honorable, God's Protection, Desire, Apple
Protection, Protect, Will and Helmet, Valley
Protection, Will Helmet, Resolute Guardian, Protect
Desire, Luster, Light, Beauty
Friendly, Desire
Helmet, Aristrocratic Lady, Lord Krishna's Devotee, High-born Girl
Love, Desire
Will, Shiny, Desire, Composition
Desire, Will, Composition, Castle
Desire, Composition, Strong, Will
Wish Desire, Prophet, Another Name for Vishnu, A God Or Goddess
Desire, Wish, Aim
Resolute Protector, Valley, Will-helmet, Will Desire
Desire, Helmet, Moon, Stars
Famous, Bright Fortress, Brilliant, Desire
Will Desire, Helmet Protection
Desire, A Plant, Wish
Desire, Wish
With No Desire
Desire, Protection, Safety, Will
Giver, Husband, Desire, Gift of God
Horse Lover, Warlike, Will-helmet, Unwavering Protector
Free from Desire and Attachment
Protection, Will, Desire, Helmet
Desire, Thirst
Protection, Will-helmet, Will and Helmet, Protect
The Som Plant That Produces Soma, Desire
Resolute Protector, Will-helmet, Protect, Helmet
Protect, Desire, Will, Helmet
Will, Desire and Protection, Helmet, Feminine Variant of William
Desire, Thirst
Free from Attachment and Desire
Protection, Safety, Peaceful, A Wish for Peace
To Desire
Will, Protection, Desire, Helmet
Deep Desire
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