Names that mean Favoured

Updated: June 5th, 2024
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Grace of God, Compassionate, Happy, Affection
Elder Brother, Mercy, Name of a King, Eagle
Graceful, Diminutive of Ann Frequently Used as an Independent Name, He (God) Was Gracious, Grace
God's Favour, Resurrection, Gracious, Clever
Name of a King, Elder Brother, Grain, Favour
Clearing surrounded by box trees
Companion, Girlfriend, Compassionate Friend, Form of Anna
Favour, Graceful, Form of Anna, He (God) Was Gracious
Full of Pride, Popularity, Bright, Yahweh Answers
God has Favoured Me, Form of Anna, Graceful, Gracious
Fragrance, Preferred of God, Sweet Basil
He (God) Was Gracious, Angel, Grace, Eagle
Favoured by God, Pleasing, Respect, Contentment
Playful, Mercy, Resurrection, Favoured
Mercy, God has Shown Favour, Food, Blue Jay
Eagle, Angel, He (God) Was Gracious, Earth and Water
Mother, Grace, Will, Wisdom
Elder Brother, All, He (God) Was Gracious, Name of a King
Favour, Gracious, Graceful, Priceless
God has Shown Favour, Graceful, Full of Grace, Mother
Favoured By Destiny, One who is Trustworthy, Blessed, Safe
Mercy, Grace, Filled with Goods, Friendly
Blessed, Trustworthy, Safe, Favoured By Destiny
Mercy, Elder Brother, Food, Shine of Glory
He (God) Was Gracious, Favoured, Strong, Full of Pride
Fragrance, Favored By God, Basil
Beautiful, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Gracious, Wanted
Angel, Mercy, Grain, Full of Grace
Grain, He (God) Was Gracious, Favour and Grace, Graceful
Graceful, Elder Brother, Thank You, Charm
Yahweh is Gracious, Mother of Samuel, Eagle, Favour
Food, Mercy, God is Gracious, Conqueror
Food, God has Shown Favour, Eagle, Mercy
Gracious, Resurrection, Beautiful, Wanted
Who is Like God?, He (God) Was Gracious, Earth and Water, Clueless
Season, Friendly, Refreshment, Favour
Beautiful, Earth and Water, God is Gracious, Brocaded Silk
Form of Sophie, God has Shown Favour, Graceful, Earth and Water
Preferred, Favoured, Favored, Honorable
Mercy, Playful, Happiness, Aunt or Princess
Strong, Gracious, Mercy, Beautiful
God's Favour, Resurrection, Full of Pride, Bright
God is Gracious, Earth and Water, Name of a King, Food
Eagle, Name of a King, Angel, Earth and Water
Favour and Grace, Eagle, God is Gracious, Angel
Earth and Water, Eagle, He (God) Was Gracious, Full of Grace
Eagle, Angel, Full of Grace, Odd
The Letter J, God is Gracious, Angel, Favour and Grace
The Ewe, Variation of Raymond, Eagle, Angel
Playful, Strong, From Laurentum Stem End, Beautiful
Favoured, Beautiful, Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Mercy
Vigorous, Beautiful, Wanted, Favoured
God's Favor, Good will, Grace, Form of Anna
Season, Friendly, Refreshment, Favour
Eagle, Grain, Elder Brother, God has Shown Favour
He (God) Was Gracious, Wanted, Playful, Bright
Angel, Georgos Which Means Farmer, God has Shown Favour, Worker of the Earth
Grace, Homeland, Graceful, Gracious
Messenger of God, Grace, Shining, Brilliant
Earth and water, He (God) was gracious, Mother, Angel
Full of Grace, Kaja, Angel, Fight
Gracious, Favour, Graceful, Priceless
Playful, Wanted, Resurrection, Beautiful
Full of Grace, Key, God is Gracious, Eagle
Name of a King, God has Favoured Me, Mother, Food
Full of Grace, Messenger from God, Food, Mother
Earth and Water, Mercy, He (God) Was Gracious, Name of a King
Full of Grace, Eagle, Angel, From the Graceful Lake
Name of a King, Elder Brother, Favour and Grace, Mercy
Grace, Form of Joanne, English, Elder Brother
Playful, Gracious, God's Favour, Grace
Playful, Bright, Grace, Clever
Good will, Love, Thank You, Kindness
Favour, Form of Anna, Priceless, Wisdom
He (God) Was Gracious, Grace, Grain, Angel
Grace, Eagle, Name of a King, He (God) Was Gracious
Friendly, Charm, Priceless, Good will
Eagle, Full of grace, Food, Mercy
Grain, Favour and Grace, God is Gracious, Graceful
Earth Worker, Food, Farmer Earthworker, Elder Brother
Eagle, Worker of the Earth, Food, Bauer
Bay, A Laurel Wreath, Grace, He (God) Was Gracious
Blessed Poetry, Dark, Priceless, Black
Favoured by God
Form of Cecilia, He (God) Was Gracious, Wanted, Bright
Contentment, Consent, Happy with the Destiny That God Bestows., Cover
One who Supplants, God has Shown Favour, Food, Supplanter
Grace, Graceful, Friendly, God has Favoured Me
Ornament, Elder Brother, Angel, Eagle
Eagle, Mother, God has Shown Favour, Grace
Earth and Water, Grace, Elder Brother, God is Gracious
Name of a King, God has Shown Favour, Earth and Water, Charm
Earth and Water, Name of a King, Graceful, Wisdom
Name of a King, The Victor, Angel, Elder Brother
Name of a Place, Deer Hunter or Archer, Priceless, Favour
Angel, Grain, Illumination, Mercy
Mercy, Red Colored Precious Gemstone, Food, Name of a King
Elder Brother, He (God) Was Gracious, Grace, Grain
Bright Headed, Strife War, The Word Ceall with the Meaning Church Monastery, Warrior
Unknown, Form of Anna, Resurrection, Gracious
Full of Grace, Angel, Farmer, Mercy
Wanted, Beautiful, Bright, Favoured
God's Favour, Resurrection, Full of Pride, Bright
Earth and Water, Wife, Eagle, Winsome
Tradition, Form of Anna, He (God) Was Gracious, Friendly
Graceful, Disciple of Christ, Food, Anointed
Favour and Grace, Angel, He (God) Was Gracious, Eagle
God has Favoured Me, Grace, Food, Mercy
Sister, Brotherly, From the Same Blood, He (God) Was Gracious
Favour and Grace, Name of a King, He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful
Earth Worker, Food, Farmer Earthworker, Elder Brother
Gracious, Friendly, Mercy, Lily
Friendly, Gracious, Priceless, Grace
Graceful, Disciple of Christ, Food, Anointed
Earth and Water, Angel, He (God) Was Gracious, Mother
Eagle, Farmer Earthworker, God is Gracious, Grain
Eagle, Worker of the Earth, Food, Bauer
To be Clever, Playful, Wanted, Favoured
God has Favoured Me, Favour, Gracious, Lily
Wanted, Strong, Clever, Dear
Grace, Food, Angel, He (God) Was Gracious
Fight, He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful, Favour
Preferred, Favored, Favoured, Honorable
Eagle, Farmer Earthworker, God is Gracious, Grain
Eagle, Worker of the Earth, Food, Bauer
Earth Worker, Food, Farmer Earthworker, Elder Brother
Friendly, Mercy, Grace, He (God) Was Gracious
Favoured by God, Fragrance, Basil
Grace, Form of Anna, Gracious, Priceless
Lily, He (God) Was Gracious, Favour, Graceful
Eagle, Food, Name of a King, Angel
In Gods Favor, Favoured by God, Satisfaction, Contentment
Eagle, Grain, God has Favoured Me, Mercy
Mercy, God is Gracious, Elder Brother, Full of Grace
Mercy, Graceful, Black, God has Favoured Me
Lord of the Manor, Power, Home Ruler, Powerful
A Prefix, Clever, The Chaste, Grace
Favoured, Grace, God's Favour, Clever
Crowned with Laurels, Graceful, The Bay, Kingdom of Loather
Gracious, Mercy, Grace, Friendly
Playful, Strong, He (God) Was Gracious, Favoured
Praise, Woman from Jehud, He (God) Was Gracious, Form of Anna
Beautiful, Wanted, Favoured, Form of Anna
Eagle, Angel, He (God) Was Gracious, Earth and Water
Elder Brother, God is Gracious, Mother, Form of Louis
God is Gracious, Favour and Grace, Mother, Eagle
Supplanter, Favour and Grace, Food, Mercy
Angel, He (God) Was Gracious, Grain, Eagle
Name of a King, Grace, He (God) Was Gracious, Grain
Preferred, Favoured, Favored, Honorable
Friendly, Grace, Gracious, Gift from God
Strong or Feminine, Form of Katherine, Joyful Song, God is Merciful
Form of Anna, Wisdom, Favour, Graceful
Inestimable, Mercy, Abraham's Wife, The Whole World
Victory, Graceful, Platinum, Money
Gracious, Mercy, Form of Anna, Grace
Fair, Priceless, Black, Grace
Grain, Food, God has Favoured Me, Favour and Grace
Elder Brother, Christian, Friendly, Disciple of Christ
God is Gracious, Farmer Earthworker, Mercy, Grain
Feminine Variant of Charles, Mercy, Mother, Earth and Water
Grace, Homeland, Graceful, Gracious
Food, Grain, Mercy, Elder Brother
Full of grace, Elder brother, Earth and water, Mercy
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