Names that mean Light

The speciality of baby names meaning light is that they represent a timeless quality of hope and joy. They are a wonderful way to honor the beauty of life and the power of the sun. These names are full of brightness, positivity, and joy, and they can be a perfect way to bring a smile to a baby's face. They also have a subtle spiritual meaning, as light is often associated with goodness and protection.
There are many beautiful baby names meaning light, from ancient Greek and Latin origins to modern and unique names. Some popular examples include Luca, which means "bringer of light," and Phoebe, which means "bright one". Other unique names that mean light include Lanette.
Have a look at the following compilation:
Hazelnut, Desired, Power, Life Giving
Shining, Beautiful Fairy Woman, Foreign, Gabriella
Shining, Bringer of Light, Bright, From Lucania
Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray, Shinning Light
the Other, Bringer of Light, Foreign, Honorable
Light, Shining, Bright Born At Daybreak, Illumination
He Who Comes After, High in Hebrew, Tall, Enlightened One
Sun, Variant of Helen, Excellent, The Bright One
The Pearl, Variant of Margaret
From the Lane, Bright Light, Variant of Helen, Torch
Honorable, Lovely, Bright Beautiful, Silk of Heaven
Radiance, Flower, Blossom, Womenn of Jannah (Heaven)
Black, Pale Meadow, Dark, Pale-skinned
the Other, Torch, Foreign, Bringer of Light
Darling Child, Rock, An Offering, Light and Buoy-any
Light Hearted, Great Talker, Pleasant and Bright, Measure of Land
Elevated, God, Sublime, Lofty
Light, Divine, Daylight, Deity
Child of Light, The Pearl, Flower Name
Dael Which Means Dale Valley, Exalted Effigy
Calm, Serene, Bird of light
Light, The Bright, Born at Daybreak
Son of the Fire, Urine
Seedling, Elm Seed, Outlook, Result
Greek, To Be Gentle, Latin, Buoyant
Horn Coloured, Form of Cornelius, Yellow, Sun Burst
Born at Day Break, Bright, Daylight Babies, Shining
She who Brings Victory, Feminine, God is My Light, God's Oath
Shining, The Bright, Light, Daylight Babies
Good, The Lord is Gracious, Variant of Zane or John, Beautiful
Someone of royal blood, power or authority
Light, Torch, Shining, Burst of the Sun
Sun Ray, God Gives the Laurel, The Crown of Victory, Foreign
God is My Light, God is Light
Combination of Jay and Allen, Serene
Illumination, Light, Born At Daybreak, Shining
A Pandava Prince, Open Minded, Shining, Son of Lord Indra
Strong, White Flower, Herrin, The Bright Light
Angel, Attribute of Allah, Light
Light, Deity, Resisting, Daylight
A Blue, Crested Bird, Combination of Jay and Allen, Victory
Path, Torch, Bright Light, Roadway
Counsel or wise
Daylight, Youth, Deity, God is Merciful
Beam of Light, Grace, Regal, Protection
Bird of Light, Calm or Serene
Yahweh is My Light
Beauty, Dawn, Aurora, Whiteness
Splash of the Sun, Light, Pure, Moon
Dawn, Sun's First Light, Morning, New Beginning
A Bird of Light, Invented Name, Calm or Serene
A Pearl, Form of Margaret
Homeland, Land, A Lance
Like a Lion, The Other, Sun Ray, Light
Dawn, Light, Clear, Graceful Strength
Intelligent, Clear, Fire, Illuminated
Life-giving, Hazelnut, Light, Form of Evelyn
God is Merciful, Light, Youth, Deity
Having Good Character, God is My Light
Form of Eleanor, Shinning Light, Sun-ray
Horn, Champion, Torch, Moon
Woman of Magdala, Light, Palm Tree, Mild
Bright, Light, Luminous, Clear
Pleasure, Sage, Ray of Light, Love
Light, Shining, The Bright, Daylight Babies
Mayor, Headman, Farmer, Greater
Light, High-born Girl, Precious Gem, Saintly Woman
Grain, Splendour, To Tremble, Light
Light, Moon, Heaven, Beautiful
Sun Rays, Ray of Light, The Element Kirana Meaning Thread Dust, Divine
Daylight, Light, Father, Deity
Niyr, Father of Light, Ab
Good, Serves John, Light, Route
Variant of Helen, Light, Sun Ray, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity
the Other, Variant of Helen, Shining Light, Wealth and Honor
Pearl, Diminutive of Margaret
Light, Daylight, Deity
Divine law and order, Desire, Life
Splendour, Claret, Dazzling Personality, Glow
Life Giving, Desired, Power, Bird
A Part of Sun, Lord Vishnu, Vishnus Ansh
The Bright, Form of Lucus, Born at Daybreak, Daylight Babies
White, Fair, Light Blonde, Friend
Enlightened, Splendor, Plendour, Light
Ireland, Full of Joy, Sun Ray, Discuss
Sun Ray, Dawn, Heavenly, Dawning
Shyness, Modesty, Light, Life
Luminous, The Word Lux with the Meaning Light
Beam of Light, Divine, The Element Kirana Meaning Thread Dust, Sun Rays
Created Name, Bird of Light
Lichtvolle, Shining, Light, Brightness
Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen, Horn Coloured, Sun Ray
Renowned Warrior, Fame and War, Fight, Light
Combination of Jay and Allen, Calm or Serene, Jacqueline
Light, Daylight Babies, Born at Daybreak, Shining
The Lord is My Light
Calm or Serene, Combination of Jay and Allen
Child of Light, Daisy Flower, Pearl
-Nelia, Moon Elope, -Nella, Cornelia
Shining, The Bright, Light, Daylight Babies
Higher, Superior, a Name for Landholders Stewards and Great Farmers Or Leaseholders, Bringer of Light, A Farmer
The First Ray of Light
Shinning Light, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Sun Ray, Foreign
Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen, Light
Daylight, Divine, Variant of Diana, Elder
Charitable King, My Light
Queen, Dawn, Bright, Light
Brilliance, Beauty, Sunrise, Joy
Dawn, Sunrise, Immortal, From the Little Ford
The Element Diya Meaning Light Splendor Glow, Grain, One who Unities, To Tremble
Glow of Moon, Moonlight
High Mountain, Tall, The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil
Light Bringer, Exalted High, English, Enlightened One
My Light, Old Name with Many Variants, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Sun Rays, The Element Kirana Meaning Thread Dust, Beam of Light, Divine
Light, Flower
Honor confers a crown, Rain, Ray of light, Princess
Splendor, Kind of Grain, One who Unities, To Tremble
Variant of Helen, Trojan, Light, Shining
The Element Helios Meaning Sun, Moon Elope, Reed, Shoot
Bringer of Light, Headman, Farmer, Greater
A Former Persian Province in Caucasus, Mountain Dweller, Enlightened One, On High
God's Promised One, Protection, She who Brings Sunshine, Light of God
Bright Born At Daybreak, Daylight Babies, Bringer of Light, Illumination
Bird of Light, Calm or Serene
A Companion of the Prophet, Happiness, Felicity, Light
Goddess of Woods and Hunting, Celestial Hunter, The Element Deiwo with the Meaning Light Deity, Daylight
Mother, Shortest Name for Goddess Parvathy, Reputation, Flax
Desired, water, island and wild boar in woodland clearing
Renowned in Battle, Pearl, Light, Famous Warrior
Invented Name, A Bird of Light
Servant of God
God is father
My Light
Honor, Light
Light, Illuminate, Brightness
Reward, Guardian or Protected by God, Outlook, Watch Mountain
Light, Luckiest, A Sage, Shubh
Sunshine, The Warm Light of Day
Big, Rival, Light, Immense
Angel, Shine, The Element Nawara Meaning to Illuminate, Light
Yahweh is My Light
Shining Light, Sun, Variant of Helen, Foreign
God with Us, Complete, Little Ash-girl, The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine
Bringer of Light, Headman, Mayor, Farmer
A man worthy of all praise
Calm or Serene, Bird of Light
Bird of Light, Calm or Serene
Pearl, Form of Margaret
Utmost Level, Lotus Flower, Loveable, The Element Kamala Which Means Light Red
Kindness, Good, Goddess, Mercy
-Lina, Brilliant, Shining, Lin
A Region of Southern Italy, Light, From Lucania, Illumination
High Mountain, Lofty, Exalted One, He Who Comes After
The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine, Completely, My God is Perfect, Horse
God is My Light
Illuminate, Foreign, Honoured, God is My Light
Form of Margaret, Pearl
Daylight, Light, Deity
Eye of the Light
Blessed One, Tall, Exalted High, The Enlightened
Light and Buoy-any, Dear Child, Beautiful, Ailin Meaning Little Rock
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