Names that mean Older
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Comrade, Loving Friend Older Brother, Emre
Old and Wise Protector, Older
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Comrade, Loving Friend Older Brother, Emre
Singer, Marriage, Older Sister, Happiness
A Flower, Praise of Distinction
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Happiness, Marriage, Love, Bird
Jasmine, A Flower, Praise of Distinction, Shrub with Yellow Flowers
An Older Brother
Jasmime Flower, Shrub with Yellow Flowers, Praise of Distinction, God's Gift
Sight, Vision, Look, Melancholy
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine, Jasmine
Happiness, Older Sister, Singer, Love
Vision, Melancholy, Pleasant to Behold
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine, Praise of Distinction, God's Gift, Shrub with Yellow Flowers
Singer, Marriage, Older Sister, Happiness
A Flower, Praise of Distinction, God's Gift, Shrub with Yellow Flowers
Older Sister, Singer, Marriage, Happiness
Shrub with Yellow Flowers, God's Gift, Jasmine, Praise of Distinction
Happiness, Older Sister, Singer, Love
An Older Woman
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine, Praise of Distinction, God's Gift, Shrub with Yellow Flowers
Complete, Earlier One, Elder Sister
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Marriage, Older Sister, Happiness, Love
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Happiness, Love, Older Sister, Bird
Bird, Singer, Love, Marriage
An Older Woman
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Umbilical Cord, A Mat to Place for Food, Dish, a Piece of Skin Or Cloth Under Food
Older, Superior
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Ugly Or from an Older Germanic Word *Leuhta- = Shining, Bright
Stick, Branch, Equivalent to an Older Danish Term Or Modern Swedish Tolk = a Measuring Tool
Stick, Branch, Equivalent to an Older Danish Term Or Modern Swedish Tolk = a Measuring Tool