Names that mean Ordained

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Form of the Latin Marcellus, Young Warrior, Hammer, Warlike
Little Hammer, God of War Mars Ordained
Dedicated to Mars, God of War Mars Ordained
Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Female Version of Marcellus, Warring
Sea, God of War Mars Ordained, Little Falcon
God of War Mars Ordained
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Defence, Warlike, Warring, Form of Marcia
Dedicated to the God Mars, Variant of John from Sean, Present, War-like
Dedicated to the God Mars
Hammer, Consecrated to the God Mars, Young Warrior, Warlike
Dedicated to the God Mars, Pr, Form of Marcia, Warring
War-like, Spring, From the God Mars, Horse
The Roman God of War, Mars, Little Warrior, Warlike
War-Like Dedicated to Mars, Horse, War-like, Boundary
Dedicated to the God Mars, Variant of John from Sean, Present, War-like
Dedicated to Mars, God of War Mars Ordained
American Spelling of Sean, Mars, Present, Yahweh is Gracious
The Element Marcus Which Means Dedicated to Mars, Form of the Latin Marcellus, Hammer, Young Warrior
Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War), War-like, Boundary, Horse
Variant of John from Sean, Dedicated to Mars, Present, Yahweh is Gracious
Horse, Dedicated to the God Mars, War-like, Boundary
Dedicated to the God Mars, Defence, Form of Marc, War-like
Dedicated to Mars, Boundary, Horse, War-like
Mars, War-like, Boundary, Horse
Little Hammer, The Word Marcus with the Meaning Dedicated to Mars
Little Marcus, Warring, Consecrated to the God Mars, Warlike
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Marcus, Martial, Warring
Dedicated to Mars, Pr, Martial, Little Marcus
Martial, Of the Sea, God of War Mars Ordained, Defence
Of the Sea, Martial, Pr, Female Version of Marcellus
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Young Warrior, Mars, The Roman God of War, Warlike
One who Lives a Life As Ordianed by Guru
Latinate Form of Margaret, War-like, Boundary, The Pearl
God of War Mars Ordained, Boundary, Horse, War-like
Warring, Form of Marcia, Warlike, Little Marcus
From the God Mars, War-like, Horse, Boundary
Dedicated to the God Mars, Boundary, War-like, Horse
Form of Marcia, Of the Sea, Little Marcus, Martial
Of the Sea, Little Marcus, Martial, Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War)
Dedicated to Mars, Horse, Boundary, War-like
Boundary, Horse, Dedicated to the God Mars, War-like
Little Warrior, Warlike, Form of Marc, Mars
War-Like Dedicated to Mars, Horse, War-like, Boundary
War-like, Mars, English, Horse
Defence, Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Little Marcus
War-Like Dedicated to Mars, Horse, Boundary, War-like
Martial, Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Little Marcus
Form of Marcia, Of the Sea, Little Marcus, Martial
Warlike, Warring, God of War Mars Ordained, Little Marcus
Dedicated to Mars, Little Marcus, Defence, Of the Sea
From the God Mars, Bright One, War-like, Horse
Of the Sea, Martial, Pr, God of War Mars Ordained
Dedicated to the God Mars, Horse, Bright One, War-like
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained
Yahweh is Gracious, Horse, Boundary, God of War Mars Ordained
Consecrated to the God Mars, Little Warrior, Warlike, Hammer
God will Add, Jehova Increases, Boundary, Mars
God of War Mars Ordained
Warlike, Female Version of Marcellus, Martial, Of the Sea
God of War Mars Ordained, Horse, War-like, Boundary
Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War), Defence, Of the Sea, Warring
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Marcus, Martial, Warring
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War)
Dedicated to Mars, God of War Mars Ordained
Dedicated to Mars, God of War Mars Ordained
Horse, From the God Mars, War-like, Boundary
From the God Mars, Bright One, War-like, Horse
Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War), Sea, Little Falcon
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Yahweh is Gracious, Dedicated to Mars, American Spelling of Sean, Boundary
Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War)
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Horse, Dedicated to the God Mars, Boundary, War-like
Yahweh is Gracious, Horse, Boundary, God of War Mars Ordained
God of War Mars Ordained, Boundary, Messenger, Horse
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Hammer
Young Warrior, Form of the Latin Marcellus, Dedicated to Mars, Warlike
Warlike, Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War), Defence, Martial
My Judge is the Lord, God of War Mars Ordained, Horse, Boundary
From the God Mars, Boundary, Horse, War-like
Destiny, Ordained by God, Fate
Dearly Loved, War-like, God of War Mars Ordained, Boundary
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Hammer
Mars, War-like, Boundary, Horse
From the God Mars, The Lord is Gracious, Present, Variant of John from Sean
Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War), Defence, Martial, Warring
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Hammer
American Spelling of Sean, Mars, Present, Yahweh is Gracious
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Race in Life, War-like, Boundary, Dedicated to Mars
Young Warrior, Mars, The Roman God of War, Warlike
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
Dedicated to Mars, God of War Mars Ordained
Dedicated to the God Mars, War-like, Protector, Boundary
Battle, From the God Mars, War-like, Horse
God of War Mars Ordained, Boundary, Horse, War-like
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Dedicated to Mars
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Marcus, Martial, Warring

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