Names that mean Pain
Precious Green Stone, Jade
Sorrow, Fickle, Carl, Goddess Lakshmi
Pain, Iniquity, Power, Force
Power, Pain, Force, Iniquity
Divine Gift, Cute Baby, Pain, Like Doll
Pain, Distress, Lipless, The One Who has Beautiful Lips, Pain
Power, Force, Pain, Iniquity
Pain, Pain, Sorrows
Power, Pain, Comforter, Iniquity
A Cascade, Pool, Lake, The Most Beautiful Stone
Green Gemstone, Jade, The Most Beautiful Stone, God Reigns
Smart, One who Uses Reason, Sweet Smell, Fire
Iniquity, Force, Power, Pain
Green Gemstone, Stone from the East, Jade
The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade, Thankful, God Reigns
Power, Force, Pain, Iniquity
Form of Dolores, Aches, Pain
Who Rescues the People from Hungry and Pain Brings Joy Into Peoples Life, Obedient, Successful Woman
Stone, Thankful, Jade, God Reigns
Pain, Distress, Lipless, The One Who has Beautiful Lips, Pain
Borne in Pain, Sorrow, God will Increase Your Boundary
The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade
Sorrows, Rubin, Ruby, Pain
Iniquity, Force, Power, Pain
God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain, Sorrow
Joyous, Successful Women, Obedient, Happy
Happiness, Stone, Force, Power
Power, Force, Pain, Iniquity
Fickle, Pain, Lady of Sorrows, Strong Woman
Pain, The One Who has Beautiful Lips
Pain, Distress, Lipless, The One Who has Beautiful Lips, Pain
Stone, Rule, Horse, Bitter
Iniquity, Force, Power, Pain
Day of God
Stone, Green Gemstone, Jade
One of the God Name, Fire, Intelligent, Sweet Smell
Green Gemstone, Jade, Stone
Pain, Distress, Lipless, The One Who has Beautiful Lips, Pain
Pain, Distress, Pain, The One Who has Beautiful Lips, Lipless
Power, Pain, Force, Iniquity
Effective, Pain, Form of God, Prince
Force, Pain, Power, Iniquity
Prince, Pain, Form of God, Effective
Quiet, gentle, virtuous, chaste and loyal
The Wanderer, Smart, Pain or Lipless, Fire
Like Doll, Pet Form of Dorthea and Dolores, Cute Baby, Pain
The Sorrows, Pain
Pain, The Sorrows
Like as a Beautiful Doll, Pain
Obedient, Happy, Joyous, Successful Women
Sorrow, Carl, Fickle, Lady of Sorrows
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Smart, Fire, Sensible, Pain or Lipless
Green Gemstone, Stone, Jade
Pain, The Sorrows
Sorrow, Borne in Pain, God will Increase Your Boundary
Iniquity, To be Clever, Knowledge, Abbreviation of Katherine
The Sorrows, Pain
Renowned in Battle, Female Version of Charles, Strong Woman, Sorrow
Pain, Force, Power, Mistress
Jade, Green Gemstone, Stone from the East, Thankful
The Sorrows, Pain
Pain, Ruby, Rubin, Sorrows
Roman Goddess Hestia, Chimney Fire, Pain, Iniquity
Stone, Jade
One who Tortures, Giver of Pain
Pain, Pain, Sorrows
Pain, Cute Baby, Gift of God, Like Doll
Iniquity, Power, Pain, Force
Pain, Pain, Sorrows
Pain, Carl, Sorrow, Sorrows
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Power, Mistress, Iniquity, Force
Green Gemstone, The Most Beautiful Stone, God Reigns, Jade
Iniquity, Force, Pain, Inhabitant of a District
Force, Pain, Iniquity, Luck
Iniquity, Force, Pain, Inhabitant of a District
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Iniquity, Force, Pain, Mistress
Pain, The Sorrows
Green Gemstone, The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Pain or Lipless, Sensible, Fire, Wise
Knowledge, Pain, Original Name of Sita, Perception
The Sorrows, Pain
Force, Iniquity, Pain, Power
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Borne in Pain, Sorrow, God will Increase Your Boundary
Son of My Sorrow
Iniquity, Power, Mistress, Force
Divine Gift, Cute Baby, Pain, Like Doll
Hard, Folk, Brave, Force
Pain, Power, Force, Iniquity
Son of My Sorrow
The Sorrows, Pain
Jade and The Most Beautiful Stone
Pain, Pain, Sorrows
Thankful, Green Gemstone, God Reigns
Iniquity, Force, Pain, Inhabitant of a District
The Sorrows, Pain
The Sorrows, Pain
Protect, Jade, Precious Green Stone, To Help
Iniquity, Renowned Warrior, Famous, Power
Effective, Prince, Form of God, Pain
Gentle Music, From Adria, Brings Rain, Melody
Jade and The Most Beautiful Stone
Force, Power, Iniquity, Pain
Pain, Sorrows, Pain
Pain, Force, Power, Iniquity
Mistress, Force, Pain, Power
Son of My Sorrow
Without Pain
Effective, Prince, Form of God, Pain
Head Pain
Borne in Pain, Sorrow, God will Increase Your Boundary
Sorrows, Rubin, Pain, Ruby
Son of Sorrows
Inflicter of Pain
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