Names that mean Possession

Updated: June 5th, 2024
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Wealthy Guardian, Guard of His Wealth
Prosperous in War, Rich Gift, Battle, Joyous
Free Possession, Wealth, Propriety, Foreign
Blessed Friend, Valued, Possession
Blessed, Owner of Spear, Wealth, Possession
Mighty in War, Battle Strength, Fight, Power
Wealthy Guardian, Wealth Protector, Possession, Names Beginning with Ed
Little Wealthy One, Wealth, Prospers in Battle, Possession
Precious Possession, Treasure
Wealthy Defender, Wealth and Protection, Guardian of Possession, Rich Protector
Beautiful, Owner, Archaic, Qen
Wealthy Guardian, Guard of His Wealth
Treasure, Precious Possession
Adornment, Paradise, Delightful, Luxuriant
Wealthy, Guardian of the Property, Edith, Rich Battle
Possession, Rich Friend
Possession, Mother of Sons
Valuable Possession, Present or Gift, Deposit, Faithfulness
Wealthy, Born Eighth, Fortune, Possession
Wealth, Possession, Eight
Wealthy Defender, Guardian of Prosperity, Wealth and Keep
Wealth and People, Possession, Prospers in Battle, Little Wealthy One
Grandmother, Delight, Rich Battle, Rejuvenation
Wealth and Protection, Guardian of Possession
Guardian of Prosperity, Herb, Possession, Battle
Wealthy Friend, Female Version of Edwin, Possession
The Element Haratha Meaning to Provide, Green, Who is Mean, Good Provider
Possession, Wealth
Guard of His Wealth
Rich Spear, Fortunate and Powerful, Possession, Wealthy Spear-man
Guardian of Property, Spear, Possession
Of the Wealthy Sea, Famous, Possession
Possession, Wealth
Rules the Home, Wealthy Guardian, House Owner, Estate
Wealthy, Sister, Germane, Brotherly
Wealth and Keep, Happy Guard, Wealthy Protector, Guardian of Prosperity
Struggle, Power, Possession
Famous, Wealthy, Possession, Born Eighth
Aspirant to Possession, Surya's Horse, Green, God
Qen, Beautiful, Buyer, Owner
Wealth, Possession
Precious Possession, Treasure
Possession, Powerful in Battle, Struggle, One who has Gone Before
Eight, Wealth, Possession
Battle, Prosperity, Royal, Happy
Battle, Struggle, Joyous, Rich Gift
Possession, Wealth and Keep
Home, Wealth, Peace
The Word Othal with the Meaning Fatherland, Possession, Wealth
Wealthy Defender, From Reamonn, Guards Wisely, Well-Advised Protector
Wealthy Guardian, Wealth and Keep, Happy Guard
Possession, Famous, Born Eighth, Great
The Blessed, Joyous, Rich in War, Praised
Rich, Wealthy, Possession, Prosperous
Judäerin, Praise, Rich Gift, Jewish
Wealth, Possession
Prosperous, Wealth, Name of a Bishop, Possession
Possession, Wealth, Famous, Well-Known
Fortune, Great, Wealthy, Wealth
Wealthy, Famous, Born Eighth, Wealth
Joy, Possession
Struggle, Possession, Powerful in Battle, Power
Fright Warrior, Great, Wealth, Born Eighth
Possession, Rule, Eagle
Gift of God, Battle, Wealth and Work, Prosperous in War
Wealthy, Famous, Great, Possession
Prosperous in War, Rich Gift, Battle, Joyous
Reaper, Place of Thracius, Treasure, Island
Great, Possession, Famous, Wealth
Struggle, Powerful in Battle, Power, One who has Gone Before
Wealth, Possession, Home, Peace
The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Acre, Field, Descendant, Heritage
Struggle, Possession, Powerful in Battle, Power
Powerful in Battle, Possession, Lisa, Acre, Field
Lust, Place Name, Noble Kind, Small Winged One
Well-Known, Famous, Wealth, Possession
Possession, From the Same Blood, Army, Germane
Happy Guard, Guardian of Riches, Wealth and Keep
Vigilant, Possession, Wealth
Spear, Possession
Wealth, Well-Known, Possession, Famous
Battle, A Women from Judea, Possession, Rich in War
Wealthy Friend, Valued, Possession
Possession, Possession
Battle, Fight, Praised, Rich Gift
Archaic, Beautiful, Small Blacksmith, Owner
Judäerin, Jewish, Struggle, Admired
Well-Known, Possession, Famous, Wealth
Shiny, Clever, Possession, Wealthy and Bright
Famous, Born Eighth, Wealthy, Possession
Famous, Born Eighth, Wealth, Great
Valuable Friend, Female Version of Edwin, Possession
Powerful in Battle, Struggle, Power, Acre, Field
Possession, Wealth
Rich Protector, Wealth and Protection, Guardian of Possession
Battle, A Women from Judea, Possession, Rich in War
Wealth, Possession
Spear Ruler, Blessed, Rule, Wealthy Spear-man
Wealthy, Possession, Famous, Fortune
Fortune, Famous, Wealth, Great
Wealth, Possession
Wealthy, Wealth, Famous, Great
Guard of His Wealth, Wealthy Protector
Fortune, Great, Wealthy, Wealth
Possession, Shiny, Clever, Wealthy and Bright
Wealth and Work, Rich Gift, Prosperity, Praise
Wealthy Protector, Guardian of Prosperity, Blessed Guard, Wealth and Keep
Wealth Protector, Wealthy Defender, Guardian of Prosperity, Names Beginning with Ed
King, Possession
Rich Friend, Possession
Happy Guard, Guardian of Possession, Wealthy Defender, Wealth and Keep
Lisa, My God is a Vow, Struggle, Powerful in Battle
Struggle, Acre, Field, Power, Possession
Joyous, Prosperous in War, Prosperity, Battle
Whichiis In the Possession of Lord Vishnu, The Most Valuable Stone
Struggle, Acre, Field, Power, Possession
Fight, Prosperity, Battle, Struggle
Rich Friend, Possession, Valued
Woman from Jehud, Struggle, Admired, People
Wealth, Possession, Eight
Protection, Possession, Wealth, Peace
Famous, Wealth, Wealthy, Great
Famous, Born Eighth, Wealth, Great
First-Born, Rule, Possession, Eagle
Born Eighth, Wealthy, Great, Possession
Wealth and Work, Rich in War, Battle, Fight
Possession, Possession
Possession, Struggle, Power, Powerful in Battle
Mighty in War, Possession, Battle-mighty, Power
Possession, Wealth
Possession, Wealth, Spear
Possession, Buyer, Archaic, Qen
Powerful in Battle, Power, Acre, Field, Possession
Wealthy Spear Owner of Many Spears, Possession, Rich Guard, Wealth
Possession, Wealthy Friend
Possession, Famous
Wealthy Spear Owner of Many Spears, Rich, Possession, Blessed
Shiny, Possession
Precious Possession, Treasure
Precious Possession
Possession, Vigilant, Wealth
Herb, Wealth and Keep, Spear, Guardian of Prosperity
Possession, Great, Famous, Born Eighth
Famous, Possession
Possession, Wealth, Vigilant
Possession, Wealth
Rich Protector, Wealth and Protection, Guardian of Possession
Well-Known, Famous, Wealth, Possession
God Spear, Wealth, Possession, Wealthy Spear-man
Wealthy, Wealth, Born Eighth, Great
Friend, Possession, Wealth
Safety, Possession, Protection, Peace
Possession, Struggle, Powerful in Battle, One who has Gone Before
Shiny, Possession, Gloss, Homel
One who has Gone Before, Acre, Field, Struggle, Powerful in Battle
Poet, Lion-man, Lion, Weary
Wealth and Friend, Possession
Possession, Famous
Guardian of Prosperity, Wealth and Keep
Possession, Eight, Wealth
Poet, Lion-bold, Inspired By a Place Name, Wild Cow
Powerful in Battle, Struggle, Power, Acre, Field
Struggle, Acre, Field, Power, Possession
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