Names that mean Possibly

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Youthful, Julia, Downy Bearded, Girl
Battle Chieftain, Beloved, Pattern of Generosity, Kindly and Love
From Airelle, Loved, Like Darcy, Form of Daryl
Joined to, Attached, Garland, Adhesion
Give, Form of Daryl, Like Darcy, Darling
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Name of Coca-cola's bottled water launched in 1999
Reclusive, Loud, Brotherly, Fame and Fight
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Adhesion, Joined, Guide, Attached
Possibly Inaccurate Reproduction of the Old English King Named Cerdic, Unclear, Kindly and Love, Chief
Governor, Adhesion, Affectionate, Reclusive
Adhesion, Joined, Guide, Attached
God the Honourable, Name of a Saint, Poet
Possibly Inaccurate Reproduction of the Old English King Named Cerdic, Unclear, Kindly and Love, Chief
Darling, Dear, Give, Possibly Originated as a French Place Name
Combined, Joined, Reclusive, Adhesion
Form of Daryl, Probably Inspired By a Family Name, Darling, Give
Adhesion, Joined, Guide, Attached
Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey, Name of an Animal
Youthful, Julia, Downy Bearded, Girl
Give, From Airelle, Dear, Form of Daryl
Battle Chieftain, Pattern of Generosity, Beloved, War Leader
Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey, Name of an Animal
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Dear, Transfered Surname, Darling, Give
Pattern of Generosity, War Leader, Unclear, Battle Chieftain
Give, Form of Daryl, Like Darcy, Darling
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Chief, Possibly Inaccurate Reproduction of the Old English King Named Cerdic, Beloved, Battle Chieftain
From Airelle, Darling, Give, Probably Inspired By a Family Name
Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey, Name of an Animal
Possibly Originated as a French Place Name, Like Darcy, Transfered Surname, Dear
Darling, Dear, Like Darcy, Form of Daryl
Ides, Possibly from Latin Iduare = to Divide
Give, Possibly Originated as a French Place Name, Like Darcy, Transfered Surname
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Jerk, Simpleton, Learning, The Word Tychon Which Means Hitting the Mark
Joined, Garland, Guide, United
The Word Tychon Which Means Hitting the Mark, Luck, Fate, Jerk, Simpleton
Like Darcy, Transfered Surname, Give, Possibly Originated as a French Place Name
Combined, Joined, Reclusive, Adhesion
Chief, Possibly Inaccurate Reproduction of the Old English King Named Cerdic, Unclear, Beloved
Give, Darling, Form of Daryl, Transfered Surname
Give, Form of Daryl, Like Darcy, Darling
Governor, Attached, Affectionate, Joined
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey, Name of an Animal
Wolf, War Leader, Chief, Kindly and Love
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Downy Bearded, Girl, Sweetheart
Warini, a Germanic Tribe, Possibly Originating from Värend In Southern Sweden
Bitter, Youthful, Myrrh and Ocean, Downy Bearded
Unclear, War Leader, Chief, Pattern of Generosity
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Adhesion, Joined, Affectionate, Garland
Beloved, Wolf, Pattern of Generosity, Tree
Pattern of Generosity, Battle Chieftain, Beloved, War Leader
Wolf, War Leader, Chief, Kindly and Love
Wolf, War Leader, Chief, Kindly and Love

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