Names that mean Purity
A Symbol of Purity, Lily, My God is Perfect
Blend of Lily and Ann, My God is Perfect, Beauty, Purity
Purity, Pastime, Night, Lioness
Little Lamb, The Ewe, Jacob's Wife, Gental
Form of Lilac, Night, Bluish, Lily Flower Name
Purity, Eternal, Pure, Rock
Another Name of Durga, The Female Energy, Woman, Which Protective
Lady with Fair Complexion, Sea of Sorrows, Sorrow, To Desire
Lily, Beauty, My God is Perfect
A Symbol of Purity, Lily, My God is Perfect
Horse lover
Gental, The Ewe, Sheep, Rohon Which Means to Roar Battle Cry
Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily, Purity, Gracious, Favour
Lily, My God is a Vow, Bluish, Fleur De Lys
Lamb, He (God) Was Gracious, Grace, Purity
Soul Life, Purity, Spirit, Quiet Woman
Woman from Hadria, Purity and Love
Star, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Aristocratic Lady, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree
Innocence, The Flower, Lilly, God of Plenty
Beauty, Lily Flower and Ann, Fleur De Lys, Favour
My God is Perfect, Blend of Lily, Beauty, Fleur De Lys
Gift from God, Purity, One who Protects, Night Prayer
Form of Lillian, Beauty, Gracious, My God is a Vow
Purity, Lavinium from the Stem End, Woman of Rome, Purified
Lightning, The Only One, Forever, Purity
Innocence, The Flower, God is My Oath, Blend of Lily and Elizabeth
Flower Name, A Symbol of Purity, God is Fullness, Horse
Lily Flower, Beauty, Purity
He (God) Will Add, Mary, Beloved, Possible: the Bitter
Pure Gold, Beautifully Coloured, Moon
Purity, Frankness, Sincerity, Honest
Wished for Child, The Perfect One, Wonderful, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree
Beauty, Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily, Fleur De Lys, My God is Perfect
Beauty, Lily Flower and Ann, Favour, God is Fullness
Sea of Sorrow, The Perfect One, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved
Gracious, Fleur De Lys, Symbol of Innocence, My God is a Vow
Sister, Star, The Word Mirjam with the Meaning Bitterness, Sea of Sorrow
Modesty, Infallibility, Purity, Preservation
One with purity, Jacob's wife, Sheep, Gental
Honey, Beloved, Wonderful, Aristocratic Lady
The Perfect One, Wished for Child, Sea of Sorrow, Lady
Straightforward, Purity of Mind, Eternal, Innocent
Sea of Bitterness, Beautiful, Star, Rebellious
Innocence, Beauty, Blend of Lily and Elizabeth, The Flower
Virtuous, Chastity, Purity, Pure
The Name of the Flower, And Beauty, Purity, Bluish
Spirit, Quiet Woman, Small Fire, Soul Life
A Flower, Purity and Beauty, Lily, God Protects My House
Desert Tree, Purity
My God is Perfect, Lily, Purity, Gracious
Yeats, The Pure, Courage, Clear
Love, Favour, Good will, Manuscripts of God
My God is Perfect, Blend of Lily, Beauty, Fleur De Lys
Star, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Aristocratic Lady, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree
Lily, Purity, My God is a Vow, Fleur De Lys
Purity, Pure, Virtuous, Chastity
Jacob's Wife, Gental, An Innocent Ewe, Innocence of a Lamb
Innocence of a Lamb, Jacob's Wife, One with Purity, Female Sheep
Foremost, The Best, First, Perfection
Purity and Beauty, Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily, Horse, My God has Sworn
Beautiful, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved, Mary
Purity, Gift from God, Woman, One who Protects
An Innocent Ewe, Lamb, Little Frenchman / Franke, Jacob's Wife
From Hadria, The Word Ater Which is of the Meaning Black, A Man's Woman, Man Ones
Beauty, My God is a Vow, Symbol of Innocence, Favour
Innocence of a Lamb, Jacob's Wife, One with Purity, Female Sheep
Clarity, Pure, Purity, Innocent
Purity, Excelling, One who Cure
Star, Unruly, Sea of Sorrow, Bitter
Lily, Purity, My God is a Vow, Fleur De Lys
My God has Sworn, A Flower, Beauty, Lily
Manuscripts of God, Lily
Virtuous, Chastity, Purity, Pure
Innocence, Beauty, Lily, The Flower
Star, Mary, Sea of Bitterness, Godsend Or: the Fertile
Lily, Favour, Symbol of Innocence, My God is a Vow
The Perfect One, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Sea of Bitterness, Sorrowful
Purity, Soul, Good Behaviour, Spirit
Purity of Religion, Righteous Faith
The Lily Flower, Form of Lillian, God is Fullness
Lamb, Gental, One with Purity, The Ewe
Blend of Lily, My God is a Vow, Purity, Fleur De Lys
Fleur De Lys, Symbol of Innocence, Gracious, Lily Flower and Ann
The Best, Top, Elite, Purity
Lily, Purity, My God is a Vow, Fleur De Lys
Purity and Beauty, Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily, God Protects My House
Valued, Sea of Sorrow, Divinely Precious, Wonderful
Spirit, Quiet Woman, Small Fire, Soul Life
Virtuous, Pure, Chastity, Purity
The Perfect One, Wished for Child, Sea of Sorrow, Lady
Offering to God, Purity, Best Wishes
Female Sheep, Gental, Little Lamb, Jacob's Wife
Beauty, Purity, My God is Perfect, Variant of Lillian
Form of Mary, God is Fullness, Wished-for Child, The Lily Flower
Rose Bush, Divine Drama, Pleasure, Sport
Purity, Modesty
Simplicity and Purity, Fever to All
Honor, Innocence, Insusceptibility, Purity
Happy, Willing, Innocence of a Lamb, Sheep, Ewe, Female Sheep, Little Lamb, One with Purity, Jacob's Wife, Gental
Coldest, Honesty, Happiness, Righteousness
Immaculate, Honesty, Intelligence, Purity
Beautiful, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved, Mary
One who has Conquered the Five Evils, Nurturing, Lord of Purity
Infallibility, Purity, Who Protects from Harm, The Element Isma Meaning Preserving Safeguarding
The Word Mirjam with the Meaning Bitterness, Sorrowful, Sea Maiden, Purity
One with Purity, Sheep, Gental, Innocence of a Lamb
Desert Tree, Purity
Sea of Bitterness, Purity, Wished-for Child, Beautiful
Female Sheep, Gental, Innocence of a Lamb, The Ewe
Of a Good Family
Wisdom, Honour, Variant of Iffat, Chastity
Love, Purity, Noble, Pure
One with Purity, Gental, The Ewe, Sheep
Work, Water, Rebellious, Godsend Or: the Fertile
The Perfect One, Princess of the Sea, Bitter, Star
Quiet Woman, Soul Life, Pure, Purity
Purity, Lamb
Honesty, Purity
Sorrowful, Star of the Sea, Mary, Dutch
From Hadria, Purity and Love
The Perfect One, Possible: the Bitter, Sea of Sorrow, Great
Purity, Mary, Beloved, Beautiful
Pure or Holy, Purity
Lily Flower, My God is Perfect
The Word Ater Which is of the Meaning Black, Purity and Love, Adriatic Sea, Woman from Hadria
The son of Giolla Dhomhnaigh
Mary, Wished for Child, Beautiful, Bitter
Sea of Bitterness, Wished for Child, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Star
Woman of Rome, Beautiful, Loveable, Purity
Star, The Perfect One, Wished for Child, Sea of Sorrow
Good Friend, The Chosen, Purity, Supreme
One who don't have Death, Purity
Purity, Quiet Woman, Soul, Life
God is Fullness, Lily, Beauty, A Flower
Sacred, Saints, Purifying, Purity
Mother of Daksa, Wise Protector, Respectable, Unruly
A Liquid Which when Consumed Makes the Person Live Life -Long Without a Death. Also Means Purity, Sweetest Food
Pure, Purity, Virtuous, Chastity
Quiet Woman, Small Fire, Soul Life, Spirit
The Lily Flower, Manuscripts of God
Unruly, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved, Sea of Sorrow
Virtuous, Chastity, Purity, Pure
Virtuous, Pure, Chastity, Purity
Rebellious, Beautiful, Wished for Child, Star
Precious One, Purity
Virtuous, Chastity, Purity, Pure
Sea of Sorrow, Unruly, Rebellious, The Word Mirjam with the Meaning Bitterness
Virtuous, Pure, Chastity, Purity
The Ewe, Innocence of a Lamb, Sheep, One with Purity
Purity, Gracious, My God is a Vow, Fleur De Lys
Sacred, Purity, Freshness, Holy
Symbol of Innocence, Purity, Lily, My God is a Vow
Pure, Purity
Purity, Pure, Virtuous, Chastity
God is Fullness, Lily
Princess of the Sea, The Perfect One, Wished-for Child, Wonderful
Purity, Gift from God
Rebellious, Possible: the Bitter, Beautiful, Unruly
The Ewe, Jacob's Wife, Female Sheep, Innocence of a Lamb
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