Names that mean Shining

Updated: June 5th, 2024

In search of a name that sparkles with radiance and luminosity? How about considering names that mean 'shining'? We've put together an illuminating list of baby names that mean 'shining'. Consider names like Zain, an Arabic name that signifies 'graceful light', or Eileen, an Irish name that means 'bright, shining one'.

Doesn't a shining name convey a sense of optimism, radiance, and a bright future?

If you're intrigued by this idea, delve into our list of baby names that mean 'shining'. Your little star's radiant name might just be a scroll away.

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Shining, Beautiful Fairy Woman, Foreign, Gabriella
Shining, Bringer of Light, Bright, From Lucania
Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray, Shinning Light
Light, Shining, Bright Born At Daybreak, Illumination
My God is Yahweh, Shining
Sun, Variant of Helen, Excellent, The Bright One
Radiance, Moon, Pure, Bright and Shining
From the Lane, Bright Light, Variant of Helen, Torch
Honorable, Lovely, Bright Beautiful, Silk of Heaven
Radiance, Flower, Blossom, Womenn of Jannah (Heaven)
Elevated, God, Sublime, Lofty
Shining, Bright, Glory and Brilliant, A Bird Name
Horn Coloured, Form of Cornelius, Yellow, Sun Burst
Born at Day Break, Bright, Daylight Babies, Shining
Shining, The Bright, Light, Daylight Babies
Brilliant, Happy Day, Bright Disposition, Optimistic
Someone of royal blood, power or authority
Light, Torch, Shining, Burst of the Sun
Sun Ray, God Gives the Laurel, The Crown of Victory, Foreign
Smooth, White Spirit, Fair One, Shining
High, Little Rock, Defender of Man, Noble and Shining
Glorious Shining, Bright Fame, Glory and Brilliant, Famous
Illumination, Light, Born At Daybreak, Shining
A Pandava Prince, Open Minded, Shining, Son of Lord Indra
Alive, Beautiful, Loving or Affectionate, Shining
Wide Fame, Glory and Brilliant
Warrior, Virile, Protrude, Man
Fierce Island, Brave, Ceol Which Means Ship, Shining Upon Man
Aveline, Beautiful, Lovable, Burst of the Sun
My God is Yahweh, Shining
Born of Intellect, Saints, Sword, Shining
The Earth, Shining, Daughter of Manu, Cardamom Tree
Power, Shining, Aveline, Eveline
Torch, Of Magdala, Olena, Shining
Splash of the Sun, Light, Pure, Moon
Burst of the Sun, Brightness, Mercy, Moon
Like a Lion, The Other, Sun Ray, Light
Softness, Luxury of Life, Tender, Shining
Bright, Clear, Famous, Shining
Horn, Champion, Torch, Moon
Brilliant and Raven, Will, Shining Pledge, Bright Warrior
Light, Shining, The Bright, Daylight Babies
Look, Praise, Splendor, Old
The Torch, Brilliant, Suns Ray, Shining
The Flower, Princess, Eastern Brightness, Dawn
Queen, Bright, Dawn, Star
Form of Sarah, Blossoming Flower, Shining, Princess
Variant of Helen, Light, Sun Ray, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity
the Other, Variant of Helen, Shining Light, Wealth and Honor
Native of Magdala, Lion, The Torch, Shining
Hostage, Trusted, Bright, Illustrious Pledge
Splendour, Claret, Dazzling Personality, Glow
Glorious Shining, Bright Famous One, Abbreviation of Robert Famed
The Bright, Form of Lucus, Born at Daybreak, Daylight Babies
Shining, Angel, The Torch
Shining, Power, Eveline, Aveline
My God is Yahweh, Shining
Sun Ray, Dawn, Heavenly, Dawning
Sun, Bright Disposition, Cheerful, Shining
Nobility, Feminine of Alexander, Noble, High
Lichtvolle, Shining, Light, Brightness
Eleanor, Derived from the Greek Helen, Horn Coloured, Sun Ray
Light, Daylight Babies, Born at Daybreak, Shining
Either To protect / preserve or branch / shoot
-Nelia, Moon Elope, -Nella, Cornelia
Shining, The Bright, Light, Daylight Babies
Renowned spear
Shinning Light, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Sun Ray, Foreign
Queen, Dawn, Bright, Light
Bright, Illustrious Warrior, Ruler, Armed and Shining
Full of Sunshine, Bright Disposition, Of the Sun, Cheerful
Pure, Appearing Like a Conqueror, Shining
Variant of Helen, Trojan, Light, Shining
The Element Helios Meaning Sun, Moon Elope, Reed, Shoot
Shining One, Path, Roadway, Lives by the Lane
Bright Born At Daybreak, Daylight Babies, Bringer of Light, Illumination
Glittering, Star, Big Eyes, Shinning
Servant of God
God is father
Shining, From Lucania, Daylight Babies
My God is Yahweh, Shining
Shining Light, Sun, Variant of Helen, Foreign
God with Us, Complete, Little Ash-girl, The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine
Large Eyes, Great, Antelope, Wild Cow
Shining, Queen
Gaul, Ornamental Plant Celebrates October 5Th, Merrymaking, Enjoyment
-Lina, Brilliant, Shining, Lin
Clear and coherent
A Region of Southern Italy, Light, From Lucania, Illumination
The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine, Completely, My God is Perfect, Horse
The Earth, Daughter of Manu, Cardamom Tree, Shining
The Zodiac Sign of Capricorn, Kernel, Irena, Doe
Clearing surrounded by box trees
Light, God is with Us, Eleanor, Helen
Lightning, Illumination, Bright, Shining
Eveline, Power, Shining, Aveline
Shining, Burst of the Sun, Beautiful, The Words Aveline Meaning Hazelnut
Helper, Shining, The Word Zahir with the Meaning Apparent Manifest Bright, Help
Musical Notes, Self Shining, Tune, Tones
Shinning Light, Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray
Form of Lucus, Bright, Shining, Light, From Lucania, Daylight Babies
The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Moon, Light, Sun
Shedding Light, Brilliant, Illuminating, Angry Bird
Princess, Lady, In Flower, Radiance
Light, The Bright, Daylight Babies, Shining
A Shining Man, Glowing, Bright
My God is Yahweh, Shining
Glory and Shining, Son of Robin, Inspired By a Family Name, Bright Fame
Brilliant, True to All, The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine, My God is Perfect
Sun, God is My Light, Strange, Shining
Flower, The Shining One
Shining, The Torch
Bright Shining, Moon's Light, Lamp, Brilliant
Shining, White and Smooth, Little Bird, Patience
Elder Brother, All, He (God) Was Gracious, Name of a King
The Bright, Form of Lucus, Daylight Babies, Born at Daybreak
Shining, Nobility, Noble, Lin
Radiant, Burst of the Sun, Beautiful, Lovable
My God is Yahweh, Nobility, Shining, the Other
Blossoms, Brilliant, Blazing Splendor, Luminous
Brilliant, Reine, Shining One, Pure
Bright, Radiance, The Shining One, Daughter of Leda
Shining, Pure, Appearing Like a Conqueror
Wealth and Honor, Bright One, Foreign, Honour
Ally, Supporter, Luminous, Sparkling
Shining, Shining Celestial Goddess
Shining, White, Fair, Soft
Successful, Intact, Aveline, Holy
Amber, The Shining
Intelligent, Famous, Shining, Glorious
Born At Daybreak, The Light of India, Daylight Babies, Shining
Lord Sun or North-East Direction, Master, Shining, Desiring and Wishing
Shining Brow, Bright, End
Torch, Intelligent, My God is Yahweh, Pure
Torch, Sun Ray, Horn Coloured, Moon Elope
Shining, the Other, God is My Light
Sun Ray, Shoot, Wicker, The Torch
Joy, Young Goat, Happiness, Aigilops
Light, Born At Daybreak, Daylight Babies, The Bright
Abbreviation of Robert Famed, Bright Fame, Shining, Glory and Brilliant
Shining, The Calm
Little Noble One, Aveline, Eveline, Of Magdala
Radiant with Light, The Eternal Kings Son, Shining, Bright
Diminutive of Clarence, Bright, Clear, Shining
Radiant, Lustrous, Gullet, With Dark Lips
Star of the Sea, Sea-bright, Myrrh
God is with me
Sun Ray, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, God is My Light, Basket
Variant of Helen, Mercy, Beloved, The Torch
Shinning Light, Variant of Helen, Torch, Sun Ray
The Torch, Flanks, Shining
Variant of Helen, Foreign, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Shinning Light
Soft and Smooth, God is Gracious, White Phantom, Fair One
Peacock, Bright, Adriatic from the Stem End, Fair
Noble, Shining
Daylight Babies, Shining, From Lucania, Light
Pretty, Beautiful, Solitary One, Lioness
Shining Sea, A Bird, Form of Merle, Blackbird
Copy, One who Holds the Torch, Lightened, Shining
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