Names that mean Warlike

Updated: June 5th, 2024
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Courageous, Descendant of Roghallach, Valiant, Dweller by the Rye Field
Spear and Hard, Gravelly Place Gray House, Strong, Warlike
Warlike, Proud, The Pure
Warlike, Loves Horses, Horse Lover
Form of the Latin Marcellus, Young Warrior, Hammer, Warlike
Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Female Version of Marcellus, Warring
Manly, Bitter, King-ruler, Of the Sea or Sailor
Fierce, Name of a Saint, Fight, Battle
Warlike, Warring, Dedicated to God Mars, Female Version of Marcellus
Warlike, Courageous, Valiant, Descendant of Roghallach
The Hunteress, Brave, Summer, Place of Thracius
Ryge Which Means Rye, Valiant, Descendant of Roghallach, Courageous
From Mars, Female Version of Marcellus, Martial, Warlike
Warlike, Form of Martin, Like Mars, Lady
King-ruler, From the God Mars, Bitter, Warlike
Devoted to Mars, The God of War, Warlike, Alter
Defence, Warlike, Warring, Form of Marcia
The greatest
Warring, Male, From the God Mars, Bitter
Warring, Male, From the God Mars, Bitter
Pr, Of the Sea, Warlike, Protector of Man
Fighter, Warrior, Summer, Warlike
Descendant of Roghallach, Rye Meadow, Brave, Valiant
Hammer, Consecrated to the God Mars, Young Warrior, Warlike
Dedicated to the God Mars, Pr, Form of Marcia, Warring
Warlike, Final, Of the Sea or Sailor, Manly
Descendant of Roghallach, Ryge Which Means Rye, Valiant, Brave
Ryge Which Means Rye, Brave, Warlike, Valiant
The Roman God of War, Mars, Little Warrior, Warlike
King-ruler, From the God Mars, Bitter, Warlike
Proud, Pure, Warlike
Friend and Horse, Warlike
Of the Sea or Sailor, Bitter, King-ruler, The End
Fighter, Harvester, Brave, Summer
Of the Sea, Remarkable, Dedicated to God Mars, War Like
Warlike, woodland, or forest
Beauty, Manly, Final, Warring
Rye Clearing, Brave, Courageous, Descendant of Roghallach
Ryge Which Means Rye, Brave, Warlike, Valiant
Lady, Feminine of Martin, Warlike
Of the Sea or Sailor, The End, Warlike, Manly
From the Gray Home, Gravelly Homestead, Warlike, Warring
Warlike, The End, Of the Sea or Sailor, King-ruler
Fierce, Warlike, Name of a Saint, Man
Dweller by the Rye Field, Valiant, Brave, Warlike
Dedicated to the God Mars, Who Eats Flower, Inestimable, Invaluable
Brave, Warlike, Dweller by the Rye Field, Valiant
Health and strength
Ryge Which Means Rye, Warlike, Valiant, Brave
The Element Marcus Which Means Dedicated to Mars, Form of the Latin Marcellus, Hammer, Young Warrior
Dedicated to Mars, Pr, Protector of Man, War Like
King-ruler, Sea, From the God Mars, Warlike
Manly, Bitter, King-ruler, Of the Sea or Sailor
Summer, The Hunteress, Place of Thracius, Fighter
Warring, Male, From the God Mars, Bitter
Warlike, Sea, Bitter, The End
The End, Bitter, Final, Of the Sea or Sailor
Of the Sea or Sailor, Bitter, King-ruler, The End
Strong, Warlike, Ready for Battle, Fierce
Manly, Final, The End, Warlike
Little Marcus, Warring, Consecrated to the God Mars, Warlike
Warring, Male, From the God Mars, Bitter
God of War Mars Ordained, Little Marcus, Martial, Warring
King-ruler, Sea, From the God Mars, Warlike
Dedicated to Mars, Pr, Martial, Little Marcus
Warlike, Jasmine Flower
Dedicated to Mars, Pr, Protector of Man, War Like
Warring, War-Like Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Warrior
Martial, Of the Sea, God of War Mars Ordained, Defence
Of the Sea, Martial, Pr, Female Version of Marcellus
Bitter, From the God Mars, Warring, Male
From the God Mars, Manly, King-ruler, Sea
Of the Sea or Sailor, The End, Warlike, Manly
Manly, Warring, Warlike, Bitter
The End, Of the Sea or Sailor, Male, Bitter
Young Warrior, Mars, The Roman God of War, Warlike
Warlike, Warrior
The Word Cad Which is of the Meaning Battle Warrior, Man, Of Great Love, Fight
Friend and Horse, Loves Horses, Warlike
Sea fortress
Warring, Form of Marcia, Warlike, Little Marcus
Dedicated to the God Mars, War Like, Defence, The Marquis
From the God Mars, Warlike
Of Great Love, Man, Battle, Name of a Saint
Form of Marcia, Of the Sea, Little Marcus, Martial
Friend of Horses, Warlike, Horse Lover
Of the Sea, Little Marcus, Martial, Dedicated to Mars (The Roman God of War)
Reaper, Place of Thracius, Treasure, Island
Friend of Horses, Warlike, Horse Lover
Little Warrior, Warlike, Form of Marc, Mars
Protector of Man, War Like, Dedicated to the God Mars, Martial One
War Like, Protector of Man, Sea, Ocean, Of the Sea
Warlike, Of the Sea, Defence, War Like
The Hunteress, Brave, Summer, Place of Thracius
Warrior of Mars, Warlike, Little Marcus
Pr, Of the Sea, War Like, Defence
Fight, Of Great Love, Warlike, Warrior
Supplanter, Helmet, God is Merciful, Enlargement
Curis, Modeled on the Sabine War God Quirinus, Warlike
Warrior of Mars, Warlike
Strong, Fierce, Warlike
Friend and Horse, Warlike
Warlike, Protector of Man, Dedicated to Mars, War Like
Defence, Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Little Marcus
Fighter, Harvester, Brave, Summer
Horse Lover, Loves Horses, Warlike
Herrin, A Lady, Mistress, Hebrew Meaning
Warlike, Warrior, Of Great Love, Fight
Pr, Dedicated to the God Mars, Protector of Man, Warlike
Martial, Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Little Marcus
Form of Marcia, Of the Sea, Little Marcus, Martial
Warlike, Warring, God of War Mars Ordained, Little Marcus
Dedicated to Mars, Little Marcus, Defence, Of the Sea
Pr, Of the Sea, War Like, Defence
Horse Lover, Friend of Horses, Warlike
Brave, Rye Meadow, Courageous, Valiant
Bright or Glorious, Brilliant, Shining, Noble
Gift, Valley, Knowledge, Wisdom
Warlike, Warrior, Of Great Love, Fight
From the God Mars, Pr, War Like, Defence
Warlike, Like Mars
Fierce, Warlike, Name of a Saint, Man
Of the Sea, Martial, Pr, God of War Mars Ordained
Herrin, A Lady, Mistress, Hebrew Meaning
Manly, Warring, Sea, King-ruler
Fighter, Harvester, Brave, Place of Thracius
Ready for Battle, Fierce, Warlike, Strong
Friend of Horses, Horse Lover, Warlike
War, Gift, Warlike, Warring
Dedicated to Mars, Warlike, Pr, Protector of Man
Curis, The Word Quiris Which is of the Meaning Spear, Warlike
Of the Sea, War Like, Protector of Man, Warlike
Horse Lover, Loves Horses, Warlike
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