Danish baby names starting with N
Here are 216 danish baby names that starts with N.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZName
Wanderer, Motion, Comfort, Peaceful
the Other, Bringer of Light, Foreign, Honorable
Given, Protector, Lord, Give
To be Born-from Natalia, Form of Natalie, Born on Christmas, Christ's Birthday
Victory and People, Victorious Person
God has Given
Victory of the People, Victorious Person
the Other, Torch, Foreign, Bringer of Light
Victorious Person, Victory of the People
Victory of the People, Abbreviation of Nicholas
Female Version of Nicholas
Mercy, God's Flavour, Graceful, He (God) Was Gracious
Horn Coloured, Form of Cornelius, Yellow, Sun Burst
Female Champion, I Want, Intention, Goal
Victory of the People
Pleasing to the Eyes, Younger Sister, Soft, To Admire God
Son of Neil, Solemn, New York Governor and American Vice President Nelson Rockefeller
Cloud, Acquirer, Like a Horn, Thanks
Form of Natalie, A Flower, Rebirth-from Anastasia, Born on Christmas
The new
Horn, Champion, Torch, Moon
Born on Christmas, Birth
Victory of the People, Victory and People
Born on Christmas, Birth
Victory and People
Abbreviation of Nicholas, Victorious Person
North and Man, Northerner, Surname, Norman
Diminutive of Dominick, People's Victory, Lord, Child Born on Sunday
Victory of the People
Born on Christmas, Born on Christmas
Victory of the People
Gift from God, Lord, Controller, Given
Purpose, Aim
-Nelia, Moon Elope, -Nella, Cornelia
Champion, Horn, Treasure, Indigo
Female Version of Norman, From the North, Rule, Carpenter's Square
Name of a King, Always Heimkehrende, He who Remembers, The Homecoming
Petronella, Blue, Cornelia
Passionate, Dark Night, Beauty, Black
People's Victory, Niko Which Means Victor, Female Version of Nicholas
Bringer of Victory, Useful, Of the Lord, Small
Illuminate, Foreign, Honoured, God is My Light
Victory of the People
Happy, Pleasentness, Honesty, Honest Beautiful
Princess, Christmas Babies
Victory of the People, Victory and People
Victory of the People, People's Victory
Light, God is with Us, Eleanor, Helen
God is with Us
Blue colour, Enchanting moon
Hope, Liberality, Giving, Dew
Favor, Graceful, Mercy, Grace
Sorry, Star, Precious, Sad
People's Victory
From the New Estate
Wealth and Honor, Bright One, Foreign, Honour
People's Victory, Victorious, Variant of Nicholas
Female Version of Nicholas
Blue, River, Judge and God, Acquirer
Victory of the People, Victory
Born on Christmas
Victory of the People, Victory
Inspired By the Eponymous Roman Goddess of Childbirth, Breast Milk, Ninth
Useful, People's Victory, Goodness
Victory of the People, Victory
People of Victory, Champion, Victorious Person, Chief
God is Gracious, Female Version of John
Horn, Sun Burst
Victory of the People
Victory, Victorious
Victory of the People
Famous Northman, North and Brilliant, Illustrious, Renowned Northerner
Victory and People, Victorious Person
Victory of the People
Victory of the People
Victory of the People
Variant of Anne, Graceful, Mercy, Favour
Victory of the People
Well-Behaved, Guided, Moral, Grace
Eternal Salvation, Successful, Success, Little Sister
Victory of the People
He (God) Was Gracious, Invaluable, Pure, Graceful
Victory of the People, Abbreviation of Nicholas
Victory of the People
New, Water
Hope, Caller, Generous, Eternal Salvation
Niko Which Means Victor, Victory of the People
Risen One, Surrender
Candle, Love
Eyes, Light
Abbreviation of Nicholas, Victorious People, Champion, Good
People's Victory, Female Version of Nicholas
Victory of the People
Joy, Pleasentness
Peace, Mercy, Voyage, Form of Anna
Born on Christmas
Leader, Pure, Plant, Guide
Born on Christmas, Born on Christmas
Disciple of Christ, Mercy, Christian, Grace
Bliss, Peace, Goddess Durga, Joy
Born on Christmas, Birth
He (God) Was Gracious
Hiltja, Brunni, Blessed
Victory of the People
Horn, Blue
Nuestra Señora De Nuria
Victory of the People, Who is Like God?
Ocean, Lord of Rivers, Hope
Born on Christmas, Born on Christmas
New Moon, New, Young
Man of the North, Surname
Slender, Ornamented, Mercy, God had Gracious
Mercy, Grace
Beautiful Eyes, Darling, Ornamented, Diminutive of Ann
Victory and People, Abbreviation of Nicole
People, Of the God Dionysus Devotees, Victory
Form of Nika
Christmas Babies
Victory of the People
Bold, Ninth
Victory of the People
Mercy, Diminutive of Ann, Lovely-eyed, Love Hope
Mercy, He (God) Was Gracious, Grace
That Feeds on Flower
Moral, Modest, Guided, Well-Behaved
Born on Christmas, God is with Us
Sweet, Heavenly, Delicious
-Nina, Disciple of Christ
Inestimable, From a Roman Clan Name, Yahweh is Gracious, Invaluable
Niko Which Means Victor, People's Victory, Female Version of Nicholas
Victory of the People
Victory of the People
Nostril, Merciful, Learning, Sagacity
Born on Christmas
Morality, Carried, Red, Modest
Younger Sibling
Full of Grace, Favour
Sagacity, Knowledge, Victory of the People, Champion
Victory of the People
Petronella, Cornelia
Foreign, Wealth and Honor
Mercy, Full of Grace, Ornamented, Strong
Victory, Of the God Dionysus Devotees, People
Victory of the People
God Gave
Slender, Ornamented, Mercy, God had Gracious
Female Version of Nicholas, People's Victory
People's Victory
Beautiful, Graceful, Diminutive of Ann, Fire
Joy, Above All, Graceful, Mother-in-law of Ruth
Risen One
Beautiful Eyes, God had Gracious, Fire, Lovely Eyed
Graceful, -Nina
Risen One, Resurrection
Heavenly, Sweet, Pleasant, Delicious
Variant of Anne, Graceful, Mercy, Favour
-Nina, Slender, Full of Grace, Beautiful
New City and Lion
Diminutive of Ann, Girl, -Nina, Mercy
Birth, Born on Christmas, Natal Day, Form of Natalie
Horn, Sun Burst
Born on Christmas
Wealth and Honor, Honorable, Foreign, Light
-Nina, Graceful
Variant of Anne, Graceful, Mercy, Favour
Graceful, Grace, Favor, He (God) Was Gracious
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