English boy names List

Updated: April 10th, 2024
The Lion, Leo, Form of Leonard
Born of God, Herd, Carried, Or Carrying, And Porters
Brown, Shield, Transfer: Bear
Illustrious Roman Family, Dedicated to Jupiter
Commander, Prince, Colonel, Leader
One who witnesses, Bright
Emir, Friend, To Command, Prince
Laughter, Good, Beautiful, Lord Chandra
Prophet Muhammad, Elected, Mustafa, Elect of God
Honest, Sincere
Official of the Church, Canon, Occupational Name, Priest
Spear Hard, Hardy, Brave
The Brave, Man
Annikin, Whether Hidden or Obvious, Star Wars
Night Talk, Entertainer, Companion of Vigil, Jovial
Supplanter, The Sun, One Who Supplants, Yahweh May Protect
Son of Edward, Eduarda
Variant of Jacob, Supplanter
Of the Aryan Race, Honorable, Warrior, That which is Beyond Anyone's Strength
Brave, Lion-bold, Hardy, Burst of the Sun
The Lord has Remembered, God Strengthens
The Bear
Good, A Blessing
Victor, Noble Friend, Hairless, Conqueror
Loved By God, David's Son, Dear One, Beloved
Ascending, Sandal Wood, Healing, Medicine
From the Hare's Land
Follower of Christ, Anointed, Nickname for Katherine, Pure
Praised and Commendable, The Name of the Prophet, Praiseworthy, Glorified
God Remembers, Zechariah, Biblical Prophet's Name
Great, Famous and Friend, Sea Lover, Eminent Marrow
Son of Benedict
Dog Lover
Great, Large
From Boston Massachusetts, A Place Name
Majestic, Great, Worthy of Respect, Grandeur
Land of the Lakes, L
From the Queen's Estate, Fifth in Order, Fifth-Born Son
From the Western Settlement, West Town, Wester Town-name of a Place
Vigorous, A Combination of Initials K and C, Alert
The Chronicles of Narnia
Nickname for a Son Named After the Father, The Word Iunior Meaning Younger Young Child
Son of the Right Hand, Meadow with Coarse Grass, Benjamin, Bärenstarke
Taken from Mackenzie, Son of, Greatest
Youthful, Julia, Illustrious Roman Family, Jove's Child
Old Friend, Defender
Thor's Stone, Valiant Fighter, Inspired By a Family Name, the Brave
Exalted Father, Need, Lift Up, Uplift
Prince, Lucky, Fortunate, Always In Control
Good and Christmas, The Elements Dubno Meaning World, Chief, Brown Stranger
Staff Bearer, Form of Gustave, Stick, Goth
The Greatest
From the Wide Island, Originating In Sidon, Denise
Holder of the Heel, Yahweh May Protect, One who Supplants, Supplanter
Fifth, Derived from Roman Clan Name, Like a Queen, Cuinchy
Land of the Lakes, Redhead
Assayer, Measure, A Pledge, Oath
Path, From the Narrow Road, Lane
Mighty, Possessor of the Good, Give
From the Rye Land, Island Meadow
Guiding Principle, Belief
Candle Maker, Candle-maker
Saint Ana, Saint Anna
Spirit, Mind, Fire, Soul
Brave as a Bear, Hardy, Bear-brave, Strong
Salt Box, Leader, The Duke
Protection, Safety, Much Peace, Peaceful
Lightning, Enlightenment, Sea
Handsome Friend, Good-looking Companion
Treasurer, Treasure Bearer
Vain, Empty
Zealous, Ardent, Fiery, Ardor
Woodsman, Forest, From the Wood, Wood-dweller
Bringer of Peace, Casey, Box
The Element Keth Meaning Forest Windy Place, From the Battleground, Wood
Bearer of Christ or Anointed, Christian Woman, Christ-bearer
Inspired By a Place Name, Wood, Glade, Poet
Healthy, Sincere, Peaceful, Happy
Will-helmet, Will and Helmet, Son of Wil, A Family Name
Kay, Jayson
The Moor, Moorish
Victor, He Who Overcomes, The Winning
Settlement of Houses, American West Texan General Sam Houston, Place-name and Surname, A City in Texas Usa
Homeland, Domain, Glory and Earth, Renowned in the Land
Gods People
People's Ruler, Form of Derek
Learned One, Scholar, Protection, Shield
Sun, God is My Salvation
One Who Overcomes, Victor, The Winning
Manly, Defending Men, Helper and Defender of Mankind
Canon, Priest
All and Illustrious, Honorable, Nobly Famous, Brilliant
Flourishing, Derived from Victoria, Priceless, Worthy of Praise
Beam of Light, Grace, Regal, Protection
Yahweh is My Light
Save, The Saviour, Redeemer, Savior
Undying, The Element Ambrosios Which Means Immortal Divine, Ever-living
God of Thunder
Son of Walter
Righteous, Chaste, Virtuous, Bright and Pure
Small Dog, Little Dog
My Father, The Sun and Air, Honest
Fruitful Land, Bright Red, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Garden
Fighter, Brave
Settlement with Leek-Field, A Surname and Place Name, Herb Garden
Warm, Rock, Muddy, Refers to the Scottish Clyde River
Son of Jack, God has been Gracious
From the West Meadow, West Clearing
Famous Warrior, Fame, Glory and Launches, Renowned Spearman
Elf, Council, All and Peace, Magical Counsel
Hard, Bear, Courageous, Strong
Lord, Child Born on Sunday
Related to Elf, Everything and Friend, A City on a White Hill
Wild Jasmine, Bright, Honey, Beauty
Son of Bryce
Variant of Quentin Fifth, Surname
God is Help
Precious and Distinguished, Friendly, High-born, Exalted
Emperor, To Cut, Long Haired, Hairy
Faithful, True
Powerful, River
From the Round Hill or Hollow, Chosen, Supplanter, Heel Grabber
Sincere, Earnest, Gravity, Battle to the Death
Cloud, Acquirer, Like a Horn, Thanks
Son of Neil, Solemn, New York Governor and American Vice President Nelson Rockefeller
Ruler of Work, House and Powerful King
Dwells at the Bridge
Son of Rigg
Henok, Consecrated, Gods Disciple, Devoted
Judge, Just, Justice
God Helps
Form of Joseph, He (God) Will Add, Jehovah Increases
God Helps
Jayson, Kay
Son of Jeffrey
Kay, Jayson
Advisor, Counsel, Advice, Bold
Car, Wagon Maker, Cartwright
Son of Nicholas
Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome, Yahwe Uplifts, Mighty Spearman, God Exalted
Grey, Gray-haired
Stammerer, One who Stutters, Talks with a Lisp, Stutter
Kingly, Descendant of Ciardha
Eternal, Never-ending, Blessed, Glorious
Gate of Heaven, Beautiful, Full, Pretty
Trent's Town, Gushing Waters
Good Man
Form of Rafael God has Healed, Shield Wolf, Healer
Free Condition, Of the Franks
The Element Tun Which Means Town Settlement Homestead, Where Hawks Fly
Deep, Protector, Guard, All
Pedlar, Hawker, Hunter, Loyal, A Teamster
The Blessed, Kind One
Council and Govern, King
Polite, Courteous, Courtly, The Words Curt Meaning Short
Hairless, Courageous, Dog, Little Bald One
Barn, From the Cottage, Similar to a Surname, Bear
Michel, Michael, Who is Like God
Dedicated to Mars, God of War Mars Ordained
The Words Fionn Which Means White Fair, Small Blond Soldier, Fair-haired Courageous One
Variant of Alexander, Alasdair, Manly, Protect and Man
Battle, Fight, Embattled
Little and Honest, Little