English girl names starting with O
Here are 440 english girl names that starts with O.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZName
Olive Tree, Elf Army
Kind One, The Olive, Peace
From the Oak Tree Field
Born In the Eighth Month, Modeled on a Roman Sex
From the Oak Tree Meadow
Jewel Names Became Popular in the 19th Century, Opal, The Earth, Gem
From the Oak Tree Meadow
Little Wealthy One, Wealth, Prospers in Battle, Possession
Black Stone
Sun Ray, Dawn, Heavenly, Dawning
Be Satisfied, Content, One and Only, Lamb
From Mount Olympus, Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested
An Olive, Form of Oliver, Elf, Warrior
Diminutive of Oswald, Divine Spear
Born During Autumn
From the Oak Tree Meadow
Gods Gift of Grace
Diminutive of Oswald, Divine Power
The Word Orare with the Meaning to Pray For, Light
Wealth and Fight, The Word Oide Meaning Song
Golden Princess
Good, He (God) Was Gracious, Fire, Unity
Surrounded By Light
A Light for Me
Son of the Fire, Urine
Charitable King, My Light
Wealth and People
Julia, Inspired By the Same Vine, Emulum
Symbol of Peace, The Olive
Wealth, Possession, Eight
Emulum, Julia, Inspired By the Same Vine
The Olive Tree, Elf Army
Content, Only One
The Olive Tree, Kindness, God's Favor, Mercy
Gold, Ash
White Footprint
Egyptian God of the Dead
She who Speaks Well
The Words Hros Which Means Horse, A Variety of Flower, Rose, Renown
Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested, From Mount Olympus
Happy, Born In January, Bright, Egg
Gold Made
Red, Star, Awesome
Possession, Wealth
Fragrant Flower
The Olive Tree, The Olive
He who Shines Like the Glory of God
The Lord is Gracious, Born of Yew, Help from Allah, Rich and Friend
Awesome, Red, Star
The Olive Tree, Elf Army
From the Oak Tree Meadow, Place Name
Friend of God, Deity
From the Oak Tree Meadow
The Eighth, Modeled on a Roman Sex
The Lord is Gracious, Help from Allah, Brave Friend, Youth
Man's Defender, Protect and Man, Feminine of Alexander, To Defend
Wave, Water Sprite
Red, Awesome, Star
People of the Stone
Olive Tree, Elf Army
Light, The Word Orare with the Meaning to Pray For
Sea, Ocean
The Other, Honor, Shining, Sun
Sheaf of Grain
Wealth and Fight, Prosperity In Battle, The Word Oide Meaning Song
Precious Stone, Jewel
Gold Made
The Olive Tree, Kind One, Peace
Oil Tree, Army, Warrior, Elf
Pure, Lamb
Ash Tree
Our One, Only
Gold, Heavenly
The Element Aurum with the Meaning Gold, Or
Alexia, Alexandra
Winged, Truth, Olive Tree, Verity
A Homebody
From the Oak Tree Meadow
Black Stone
Like Olive, Leaf
Little Wealthy One, Song, Place Name, Rich
Gold, Prayerful, Breeze, Beautiful Seacoast
Myrrh and Ocean, Bitter, The Olive, Beloved
Of the Heavens from Heaven
Son of Ole
Wealth, Man, The Teuton, Army
Wealth and Fight, The Word Oide Meaning Song
Elf Army, Ole, The Olive
Home, Happy, Heritage of the Ancestors, Ancestor's Descendant
Golden Town
The Hospitable, Hospitality
Named for Bona Dea, Well Spoken, Life Giving, Cedar Tree
The Word Othal with the Meaning Fatherland, Possession, Wealth
Symbol of Peace, Olive Tree
Son of Ote, Wealthy
Possession, Famous, Born Eighth, Great
From the Town of Gold, Golden Village, Spear Strength
Rich, Wealthy, Possession, Prosperous
The Golden
Sacred, Intact, From the Island of Linden Trees, Family Name
Full Head of Hair
Rich, Song, Otter
Ancestor's Descendant
God's Spear, Diminutive of Oscar
Wealthy, Born Eighth, Fortune, Possession
Light, The Word Orare with the Meaning to Pray For
Cloud, Thanks, Like a Horn, Favor
Renowned in the Land, Form of Roland
Charitable King, My Light
Intact, Saints, Olive Tree
The Elements Aureus Meaning Golden, Golden, Gilded, Golden-Haired, Gold Made
Noble Or Honorable
Land, Fame, Homeland, Domain
Fright Warrior, Great, Wealth, Born Eighth
Divine Strength