Finnish boy names starting with P
Here are 184 finnish boy names that starts with P.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZName
Nobleman, Patrician, Noblewoman
Small, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books, Weak, Little
Warlike, Loves Horses, Horse Lover
Pierces, Pierce the Vale
A Crusader a Pilgrim Bearing Palms, Palm-bearer
The Stone, The Rock
City Name, Boat and Gwys = Men, To Seek, Search For
The Stone, Form of Peter, Rock
Lucky Desirable, Flourishing, Prosper
Of Easter, Paschal, Pass over, Jump
Horse Lover, Friend of Horses
The Stone, The Rock
Pious, Respectful, Honorable, Virtuous, Pious
Who Kisses, Beloved, Affectionate
The Humble, The Small
Peacock Town, Patrician
Primus, First
The Stone, The Rock
The Rock, The Stone
Form of Pamela, All Black
Female Version of Patrick, Patrician, Nobleman, Noblewoman
He (God) Will Add, God Would Multiply
The Rock, River, Stone, Strong
The Rock, The Stone
The Small, Little One, Humble, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Stone, River, Female Version of Peter, The Rock
God Would Multiply
Break by Twisting, Lord, Pet Form of Patricia, Ruler
He (God) Will Add, English
The Stone, The Rock
Protector, Vessel, Goddess Durga, A Noble Mane
Brave, Weak, King, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
The Rock, The Stone
Humble, Little One, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books, Weak
The Stone, The Rock
Blessed, Son of the Right Hand, Benjamin, Bärenstarke
The Humble, The Small
Rock, Stone
Write, Lighting, Lord Hanuman, Lightning
The Rock, The Stone
Small, Little, Humble
Breathing, Highborn and Steadfast, Son, Fragility
Jewel, Duck, White Shoulder, Wife of Odysseys
Glorious, Noble, The Rock, Splendid
The Stone, The Rock
Bridge, Sea
The Rock, The Stone
Noblewoman, Patrician, Nobleman
Mountain, The Exalted One, Ancient, Strength, Force
Fight, First
A witness
Happy, Blessed, Bear, Bärenstarke
The Rock, The Stone
Cloth and Peel
The Small, The Humble
Big Animal, Big Man, Bear, Wild Boar
The Stone, The Rock
He (God) Will Add, God Would Multiply
The Stone, Pledged to God, House, God's Promise
Weak, Little, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books, The Small
Farmer or Son of the Earth, Furrow, Hill
Nobleman, Noblewoman, Patrician, Small, Little, Humble
The Stone, The Rock
Form of Paul, Small, Little
The Stone, Happy, was Thus Popular In Medieval Europe Especially Among Roman Catholics
Rock, Stone
Amazingly Praised by Others
Bärenstarke, Son Of, Blessed, Born of the Right Hand
Son of Fortune, Meadow with Coarse Grass, Blessed, Benjamin
Bright or Glorious, Brilliant, Shining, Noble
The Stone, The Rock
Small, Paul
The Rock, The Stone
Sea, Bridge
River, The Rock, Stone, Strong
Time of Day, Phase
The Face of God
The Stone, The Rock
The Rock, The Stone
High, Tall, Lord Vishnu
The Stone, The Rock
Mountain, The Element Biarga Meaning to Help, Helpers
Patrician, Belonging to the Roman Senatorial Or Noble Class
Mountain, The Exalted One, Helpers, Sublime
was Thus Popular In Medieval Europe Especially Among Roman Catholics, Happy, The Stone
The Stone, The Rock
Son of the Right
The Stone, The Rock
Son Of, Benjamin, Bärenstarke, Meadow with Coarse Grass
The Small, The Humble
Little, The Humble, Form of Paul, Small
Acre, Field
Small, Little, Humble
The Humble, Small, Form of Paul, Little
The Rock, The Stone
The Stone, The Rock
Divine, Immortal, Ever-living
From the Italian Island of Pontia, Man from Pontia
Small, King, Brave, Royal Kingly
Love, Affection
Son of the Right Hand
Protection, Rich, Powerful, Peace
Small, Little, Humble
The Same Latin Root Word As the Catholic Concept of Beatification, was Thus Popular In Medieval Europe Especially Among Roman Catholics, Happy
Tall, Lord Vishnu, High
Picket, Milestone
Fair One, God Adds, Wise, Giuseppina
Fair One, The White, Old English for Brilliant, From Alba
Near, Close By and -Elius = Sun
Illustrious and Skillful, Warlike, Rule, Bold
The Stone, The Rock
Furrowed, with Long Furrows, Abounding In Furrows, Bright, Rule, Bold
The Blessed
Name of an Abbot, Blond, Fair One, White
Mountain, The Element Biarga Meaning to Help, Helpers
Bridge, Sea
High, Lord Vishnu, Tall
Transfer: Bear, The Element Brun Which Means Brown, Shield
Happy, Blessed, Bear, Bärenstarke
Rock, Stone
Little, The Humble, Form of Paul, Small
Divine, Immortal, Ever-living
The Stone, The Rock
Sea, Bridge
High, Lord Vishnu, Tall
Small, Little, Humble
Weak, The Small, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books, Little One
The Stone, The Rock
The Blessed, Son of the Right, Hardy, Meadow with Coarse Grass
Illustrious and Skillful, Shining, Bright, Furrows
Son of Happiness
Fighter, Wolf, Famous, Struggle
The Blessed
Son of Luck, Meadow with Coarse Grass, Benjamin, Happy
The Humble, The Small
From Alba, City-Dweller,
Hardy, Brave, Bear
Hardy, Bear, Brave
Small, King, Brave, Royal Kingly
Basil the Herb, Little One, Kingly, Weak
The Small, The Humble
Bear, Son Of, Brave, The Blessed
Bear, Son Of, Brave, The Blessed
Warlike, Bold, Furrows, Bright
Noblewoman, Patrician, Nobleman
Bear and Strong, Brave, Hardy, Bärenstarke
Bear and Strong, Brave, Hard, Hardy
Son of the Right Hand, The Blessed, Benjamin, Bärenstarke
Son of the South, Benjamin, Meadow with Coarse Grass, Bärenstarke
Illustrious and Skillful, Warlike, Rule, Bold
The Element Biarga Meaning to Help, Helpers, Mountain
Small, Little, Humble
Little, The Small, Form of Paul
Sea, Bridge
Man At the Bridge
Little Frenchman / Franke, French Man, Spear, Free Condition
High, Lord Vishnu, Tall
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Vigilant, Strong, Transfer: Bear
The Small, The Humble
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