French girl names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
Name of a Fruit, Beloved, Dear, Brotherly Love
Friend of the Heart
Tender Touch
The Olive Tree, Elf Army
Beloved, Little and Womanly, Rhyming Variant of Marilyn
The Elements Merle Meaning Blackbird, A Bird, Sea Bright, Able
Angel, Messenger of God
She who Adores God
Burned Nettle
Misfortune, My Glory
Princess, Goddess Aphrodite, It Refers to Flat Land at the Foot of Mount Carmel, Honey
Victory and People, Necklace, Variant of Nicolette, Victorious
Yahweh May Protect, Supplanter, One who Supplants, Holder of the Heel
It is also Used as a Prefix in Compound Names Like Jobeth and Jolisa, God Adds, He will Enlarge
Unfading, Imperishable, To Love
Epistle, Shield
Baby Deer, Fawn
Hardy, Brave, Bear
Cherry, Fruit of the Cherry Tree
Born on Christmas Day, God is with Us
Like a Candle
Black Hair, Shield
Rohon Which Means to Roar Battle Cry, Little Rock, Short Tunic, Rest
Horse and Protection
A Gem, Precious Stone, Jewel, Play Thing
One who Supplants, Supplanter, Yahweh May Protect, Holder of the Heel
The Fifth Element
Joy, Jayanta, The Jewel, Play Thing
Blessed, Fortunate, From the Happy Meadow
Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested
Patronym of Baron Chantal, The Word Chant Which Means Song, Inspired By the Holy
Charity, Vigorous, Cherie, Beloved
The Word Chant Which Means Song, Patronym of Baron Chantal, Inspired By the Holy
Marie, Florence
Precious Stone
Archer, Yew Wood, Diminutive of Yvonne
Short Name of Malavika, Flower, Louise, Sweet
Modestus, Moderation, Modest
Born on Christmas Day, God is with Us
The Word Chant Which Means Song, Patronym of Baron Chantal, Inspired By the Holy
A Soft-Skinned Woman
God is Merciful
Patronym of Baron Chantal, Inspired By the Holy, The Word Chant Which Means Song
Lord is God
Cherry, Fruit of the Cherry Tree
Spear Servant, Grow, With Honour
Louise, Anne
The Word Chant Which Means Song, Inspired By the Holy, Patronym of Baron Chantal
The Strong
Small, Sweet
Inspired By the Holy, The Word Chant Which Means Song, Patronym of Baron Chantal
Court Meaning Short, Dweller by the Dark Stream, Courtly, Court-dweller
Born Again
Of Laurentum, Laurel, Crowned with Laurels, Form of Lawrence
Like a Candle
Lace Like, Lacy
One who Works with Nails
Darling, Dear One, Blend of Cherie and Cerise
Honorable, Spear, With Honor, Derived from Combining an Old German Name
Patronym of Baron Chantal, Inspired By the Holy, The Word Chant Which Means Song
Nun, Dedicated to Dionysos, God of Wine, To Advise
Dainty, Cute
Fort on a Hill
With Honour, Spear and Friend, Grow
Opera Star Leontyne Price, Shining Light, Lioness, Female Version of Leon
Strong Opponent, Star of the Sea, Helmet, Unwavering Protector
Young Deer, Baby Deer
Canal, Channel
Light, Born at Daybreak, The Bright
Sea of Bitterness, Wished-for Child
The Marquis
Gift and God, Gilded, Brooding
Cherry, Fruit of the Cherry Tree
Small Falcon, Sea Bright, A Bird, The Elements Merle Meaning Blackbird
Soul, Mind, Heart, English
Fair Lady, Composition Probably Iron, Princess, God Protects My House
Courage, Gracious, Peace, Voyage
Darling, Dear One, Favorite
Honey, Brave
Bear, Brave, Hardy
Dear One, Darling, Variant of Cherie, Beloved
Autumn, Participant, Goddess Durga, Partner
Holder of the Heel, Yahweh May Protect, One who Supplants, Supplanter
Second, To Open Up, Opening, April
Amélie, Marie
One Who Supplants, He who Supplants
Washed In an Air of Mystery
From Courtenay, Short Nose, Dweller by the Dark Stream, Courteous
Good and Eclectic
American-Born European
The White
The Broad-Leafed Dinna Plant
Strong, King's Doorkeeper
Wished for Child, Mercy, Sea, Bitter
Lame, Female Version of Claude
Small, Sweet
Pledge, Man
Strength and Shield
To Hold Dear, Beloved
The Growing, Thriving
Little and Womanly
Small Bagpipe
Yahweh is Gracious
Cherry, Fruit of the Cherry Tree
Reddish Brown Haired, Bear
The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine, Cendre, Little Cinder Girl, Ash
Bitterness, Star of the Sea, Modern, Wished for Child
Candle Maker, Candle-maker
The Lion, Lioness, Feminine of Leon
Jewish, Lord God, Warriors, Female Version of Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Little and Womanly, Beloved, Rhyming Variant of Marilyn
Pierce the Vale, Pierces
Violet Colored, Plant with Pink Flowers
The Word Chant Which Means Song, Patronym of Baron Chantal, Inspired By the Holy
Manifestation, Epiphany
Burned Nettle
Beloved, Rhyming Variant of Marilyn, Little and Womanly
Woman from Normandy
Beloved, To Care for Dearly
Cord Maker, Sea from the Stem End, Seiler
Rock, Rock
Golden-Haired, Golden, Wind, Gold Made
Gem, Jewel, Opal, Precious Stone
Tempest, Violent Storm, Turbulent, Stormy
The Word Chant Which Means Song, Patronym of Baron Chantal, Inspired By the Holy
Inspired By the Greek Goddess of Peace, The Peaceful, Palm Tree
Manly, Protect and Man
Powerful, The God of Thunder, Thor
Little Blond One, Fair-haired
Joyous, The Gauts, A Member of the German Tribe, Cheerful
Nike Which Means Victory, Necklace, Victorious, Female Version of Nicholas
Young Deer
Alder, Spring Like, Modeled on a French Place Names, Youthful
Patronym of Baron Chantal, The Word Chant Which Means Song, Inspired By the Holy
From the Alder Grove
The Lucky, Fortunate, Enjoying Good Luck, Great Happiness
Washed In an Air of Mystery
Of Noble Figure
Beloved, Rhyming Variant of Marilyn, Little and Womanly
Inspired By a Biblical Landscape, Place in Israel, Goddess Aphrodite, Fragrance
Small Falcon, Black Bird, Able, Sea Bright
Small, Sweet
Jasper-stone, Whoever Comes to See, Treasurer
The Pure, Pretty, Beloved, Dear
Like a Candle
Love, Nobility, Noble Kind, Softer