German girl names starting with O
Here are 125 german girl names that starts with O.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZName
Kind One, The Olive, Peace
Little Wealthy One, Wealth, Prospers in Battle, Possession
Sun Ray, Dawn, Heavenly, Dawning
An Olive, Form of Oliver, Elf, Warrior
Diminutive of Oswald, Divine Spear
Wealth and Fight, The Word Oide Meaning Song
Good, He (God) Was Gracious, Fire, Unity
Son of the Fire, Urine
Symbol of Peace, The Olive
Wealth, Possession, Eight
Happy, Born In January, Bright, Egg
Possession, Wealth
The Eighth, Modeled on a Roman Sex
Linden Tree, Dwells by the Torrent, Lake, Pretty
Wealth and Fight, Prosperity In Battle, The Word Oide Meaning Song
Wealth, Man, The Teuton, Army
Home, Happy, Heritage of the Ancestors, Ancestor's Descendant
The Word Othal with the Meaning Fatherland, Possession, Wealth
Son of Ote, Wealthy
Possession, Famous, Born Eighth, Great
Rich, Wealthy, Possession, Prosperous
God's Spear, Diminutive of Oscar
Wealthy, Born Eighth, Fortune, Possession
Intact, Saints, Olive Tree
Noble Or Honorable
Land, Fame, Homeland, Domain
Little Bear
Homeland, Glory and Earth, Fame, Domain
Wealth, Wealth and People
Gold, Heavenly, From Oran
Olaf, Ole
Modeled on a Roman Sex, Eighth
Wealth and Fight
Wealth, Madman, Inspired By the Germanic God
A Plant Name, Hortus, Garden
Gold Made, Golden, Ore Hill
King, Possession
Help, Help
Divine Message, Gold Made
Wealth, The Word Oide Meaning Song
Wealth, Madman, Inspired By the Germanic God
Trud, Weapons Peak, Force, Ort
Possession, Wealth
Prosperity In Battle
Gold Made
Runa, Weapons Peak, Secret, Ort
Wealth and People, Wealth
Strong, Courageous
Sword Tip, Heritage
Homeland, Glory and Earth, Fame, Domain
Ourson Which Means Bear Cub, Little Bear
Heritage of the Ancestors
The Word Oide Meaning Song, Wealth
God, Rule
Prosperity In Battle
Heritage of the Ancestors
Gold Made
Little Wealthy One, Elfin Spear
Or, The Word Odhar with the Meaning Green, Pine Tree
Basswood Plate, Possession
Fortune, Great, Born Eighth, Possession
Good Man
Born Eighth, Wealth, Fortune, Great
From Mount Olympus, Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested
Shiny, Possession
Prosperity In Battle
Trud, Weapons Peak, Force, Ort
God's Gift, Straight
Sword Tip, Wolf
Sword Tip, Peace
God's Gift
Weapons Peak, Linden Wood Shield
Possession, Wealth and People, Struggle
Wealth, Fortune, Possession, Born Eighth
Sword Tip, Hostage
God, Shiny
Struggle, Possession
Wolf, Sword Tip
Possession, Spear
Born Eighth, Wealth, Fortune, Great
Possession, Linden Wood Shield
Prosperity In Battle
Protection, God
Possession, Garden
Sword Tip, Spear
Gold Made
Land, Fame, Homeland, Domain
Weapons Peak, Linden Wood Shield
Born Eighth, Wealth, Fortune, Great
Possession, Protect
Possession, Shiny
Weapons Peak, Struggle
Weapons Peak, Struggle
Sword Tip, Rule
Prevail, Sword Tip
Protect, Possession
Shiny, Possession
Protect, Possession
Possession, Protect
Peace, Possession
Possession, Struggle
Possession, Struggle
Gold Made
Land, Fame, Homeland, Domain
Born Eighth, Wealth, Fortune, Great