Indian baby names starting with

Updated: April 10th, 2024

Here are 28852 indian baby names that starts with .

Without Sin, Pure, Sinless
Trident, Goddess Lakshmi
Soul of Holy Book, Soul Bani
Devoted, Achiever
Pure, Bigger, Stream, Greater
Nocturnal, Alert, Mountain, Natural
Concentrate, Absorbed in Contemplation, Meditation
Warrior with Tenacity, One who Struggles
Born Second, Desirable, The Hindu Noah, God with Us
Rain, Noble Man
Powerful and Complete, Shooting Star, Wanderer
Prophet Name
Polite, Beautiful
God's Gift, Light of God
Unique Oneness, One, United
Blessings of Guru
A Women with a Beautiful Eyes, Eye, Fish Eyed, Parvati
A Precious Stone, Union, Fruit
Victory, The Victorious, Good Character
A Famous Historical Prince, The Sun
Fish, Jewel, Power, The Daughter of Mahameru
Champion, Heaven, Talktive Person, Cloud
Early Morning Fragrance, Enchanting, Fair Lady, Entertaining Companion
Enchanting Moon, An Another Name of Nila (Moon)
Noble Person
The Vital Air, Wind, Breeze
Lord Indra, Essence, Nil, Existence
Beautiful, Fortunate One, Gold
A Sakta Notable for His Great Leaning and Spiritual Attainment, Young, Creative, Nice Person
Children, Speech, An Orator, Earth
Increasing, Sandal Wood, Healing, Clever
Feather, Sanity, Saintly, Line
Brave Heart, Heart Winner
Praise, Charm, Invocation
To Find, A Meeting, Bitter
Treasure, Principle, Wealth, Money
Second Note of Octave, Superior, Morality, Ox
The Rays of the Sun
Lord Ganesh, Lavender, Fragrance
All the Quality, Enlighten and Speaking Truth
Everlasting, Indestructible, Unlimited, Forever
Unconquerable, A Which Means Not, Successful, Invincible
Little Holy One, From the New Town
Rays of Sun, One who is Knowledgeable, Lord Shiva, Siva
Deep Rooted, Deeply Rooted
Powerful, Focused, Unique, Lord Vishnu
Emulum, Showing Matching of Relationship, Rival
Omniscient, Learned, Knowledge Person, Knowledgeable
Of Reddish Hair, Name of the First Roman to Embrace Islam
One who is Absorbed in the Guru, In Serve of Teacher
One Light
Sikhs Religious Prayer
Son of VasudevaBrahma Purana, Happiness, Pleased, Famous
Multi Talented
An Important Hindu God, Root, Protector of World, Lord Vishnu
Opening, Splitting, Educated, Moving Slowly
Independent Woman, Good-Looking, Good Looking, Smart
Another Name of River Ganga
Breath, I Am Him . Every Soul has a Presence of God In It.God is Within, Lord Brahmha
Princess, Reflection of Sai
The Earth, Earth
Lord Murugan, One who Bestows Happiness, A Hindu Month, God Shiva's Elder Son
Speech, Goddess Saraswati, Wont, Accustomed Or Lacking, Wanting, Sound
Season, Begining, Time, Name of Lord Shanmukha
Endless, Infinite
Pleasant, Interesting
To Arrive or to Inform, The First Life Form All Knowledgeable and All Pure
Goddess Lakshmi, Devi Laxmi
Friend, Leader, Relation, One who Bridgesth Gap
The Good Angle, A Form of Lord Krishna
A Prosperous Woman, Good Fortune, Wife of Lord Ganesh, Siddhi will Follow
Lord of the Blessed, Achieved All Wishes, One who has Accomplished Goal, Successful
Favor, A Term of Endearment, Grace
Priest, Saint
Lovable Part of Someone, Lovable Part of All
Fame for Being Brave, Bravery, Fearlessness
Wind, Goddess Lakshmi, A Holy River
Miracale of God, Affable
Part of Sun
A Famous Historical Prince, The Sun
Victory, Dhritarashtras Charioteer, Victorious, Lord Shiva
One who Brings Joy, A Holy Cow, The Word Nandi with the Meaning Joyful, Goddess Durga
Parrot, A Bird
Clean, Aspirations, Efficient, Emulus
Wisdom, Intellect, Goddess Saraswati, Intelligent
First Ray of Sun, Strong, Miracle
Salvation, To Relieve
Rich, Wealthy
God's Miracle
Agni, Inspirational, Strong
Plait of Hair, Blessed
Sun God, Son of Aditi
Ruler, Climb, Tirthankara
Peace, Calm, Pure, Victories
Man of Wealth, Lord Shiva
Custom of Heart, Very Good Girl
Gods Light
God Rama, Pleasing, Goddess Lakshmi, Rejoicing
Wine, Spirituous Liquor, Brave, God
Princess, Morning, Poetess
One who Bridgesth Gap, Friend
Knowledgeable, One who Knows, Acquainted, Wise
Winner, A Work of Art, Achievement, Action
Happy, Fertile Land, Flower, Healthy
Lovable, Combined, Lion
A Monsoon Flower, Greatest Champion
Gold, Human, Man, Same As Manav
Faithful, All, Affection, Fidelity
Interesting, Horse Rider, A Star
Causing Victory, Conqueror, A Shakti of Ganesh, Lord Krishna
Infinite, Limitless, Unbeaten
Cloud, Clouds, Rain, A Star
Liquor, Ploughed Field, Juice, Of the Loom
Spiritual, Sacred, Divine
Hindu Sacred Syllable ' Om' or 'Ohm', The First Sound of Universe Aum Called As Pranavi, Goddess Parvati
Greek God
Lord Shiva, Fame, One who Sings Glories of God, Sing Gods Praise or Glory
Moon-glow, Ease, Moonshine, Moon Glow
Special, New Beginning
God Shiv
From Muslim, Moon Glow, Moon-glow, Name of Star
Air, The Wind God
Another Name for Durga, Lord Shivas Bull, Joyful, Other Likes
Honest, Child of Joy, Truth, Beloved
Natural, Original, Female Friend
Profit Maker, King
Blessed, Inspiration, Makaros
Loveable, Famous, Short Name of Malavika, Struggle
Pretty, Beautiful, Solitary One, Lioness
Blonde, A Fair Woman, Parvati
Pure, Breeze, Silver, Nature
Joy, Cute, Rejoicing, Name of a Deity
Immaculate, Unstained, A Meaning Not, Full of Grace
Diamond, Daughter, Angel, Goddess of Gold
Gurus Warrior, Warrior of the Guru
Industrious, Work, Peace, This Moment
Reborn, Shy, Council, Cute
Somras, Moon Rays, Moon-rays, A Type of Wine
Pleasant, Pretty, Cheerful
Powerful and Complete
Fiery, Fire, Wind
Godly, Gift by God, Divine, Religious
Nine, Youthful Woman, New
Lady, Noblewoman, River, Durga Devi
The Sound of Universe, Om Sai
Daughter of Wisdom
The Destroyer, Lord Shiva, One who Maintains Balance Between Life & Death
I am Him, God is Within
Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva Combined
Drawn Up of God, A Flower
Army Man, Everybodys Beloved, Bold, Soldier
Born, Life
Crown, One who is Crowned, Husband Origin Muslim, Supreme Master
Goddess of Wealth (Lakshmi), The Pure One
God Karthikeya, Lord Murugan
A Prefix, An Atom
Musical Tone
Goddess Durga
One who is Dependent on God, Subramaniam Swami, Rite of Dependency, Ruler
Handsome, Lord Vishnu
Name of Lord Shiva, One who Maintains Balance Between Life & Death, The Destroyer
Poem, Related to Thirukural
Gift, Guide to Righteousness
Sweet Smile, Laughter, One who Smiles Often, Happiness
God Sivan, The Ninth Month