Adhikaraj name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Kannada
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Adhikaraj
Meaning: Greater, More and Lots
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What does Adhikaraj mean?

Meaning of Adhikaraj is Greater, More or Lots is majorly used in Kannada is used as a boy name.

How popular is the name Adhikaraj?

Adhikaraj is an extremely rare name around the globe.


What numbers say about Adhikaraj?

You dream of living in a more humane society. Working harder than required is what you are known for. You are attracted to everything that can make this world a better place to live in. You are all about adventure and travel. When it comes to love, you can't stand a monogamous relationship. You are unique and born to stand out. You don't share the usual opinion of things and the ordinary life perspective.

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Famous people named Adhikaraj

We could not find any notable namesake.

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