Agihard name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old High German, Germanic and Latin
Meaning: Sword Tip, Hard, Warrior, Brotherly, From Germany, Brother, Germane, Sister, Army and Man
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What does Agihard mean?

Agihard is German cognate of Eckehard.

Variants of Agihard

Eckehard, Eckhard, Eckard, Eckart, Echard

How popular is the name Agihard?

Agihard is an extremely rare name around the world.


Numerological aspects of Agihard

If letter A is your cornerstone, you are probably full of ambition and the most motivated person you know. You are all about adventure and travel. You are always open to experience something new. You are scared of failure and getting hurt by the people you love. In order to keep your motivation high, you must interact with people every now and then. If number 11 is your soul urge no, it reveals your deepest desires. You secretly wish to inspire people with your life.

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Famous people named Agihard

We could not find any notable namesake.

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