Agryppa name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Greek
Meaning: Born Feet First
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What does Agryppa mean?

Agryppa is version of Agrippa. Agrippa mostly is used in Hungarian has its origin in Old Greek, meaning of Agrippa is "Born Feet First".

Variants of Agryppa

Agrippa, Agripa

How popular is the name Agryppa?

Agryppa is an extremely rare name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Agryppa

You believe that nothing is impossible until your heart beats. If letter A is your capstone in your name, you are romantic by nature. However, you are also interested in action. You are a wise person. People respect you for always serving the ugly truth instead of lies. To have letter A as your capstone in your name represents your wild personality, individuality, originality and ambitious spirit.

Go through the following names similar to Agryppa

  •  Agrippa - The boy name Agrippa is used largely in Hungarian is of Old Greek origin, Agrippa means "Born Feet First"
  •  Isadore - Durable and Well-Liked Isadore is used in English and German is a gender insensitive name, Isadore means "Gift of Isis" came from Old Greek
  •  Nicodime - The Nicodime has its origin in Greek, Nicodime means "Victory or People"
  •  Stéphano - Meaning of Stéphano is Crowning is used in Italian came from Greek
  •  Stazie - Particulary used in English venerable and unexpected, Stazie has origin in Old Greek, a girl name, meaning of Stazie is "Resurrection and Risen One". Stazie is derivation of Stacey.

Famous people named Agryppa

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