Airiél name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Lion of God
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What does Airiél mean?

Airiél came from Hebrew is a baby boy name. Airiél is a variant of evergreen and famous Ariel. Ariel is a variant of biblical and famous Ariela. Ariel is form of The Hebrew Name אֲרִיאֵל Meaning Lion of God in Latin and Greek languages.

Also Ariel is equivalent of Adiel in Finnish language. Ariel's meaning is Lion of God is of Hebrew origin.

Variants of Airiél

Ariel, Ariela, Adiel, Aariel, Ariele, Arielmarie, Arie, Ada, Adil

How popular is the name Airiél?

Airiél is an extremely rare name around the globe.

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Famous people named Airiél

We could not find any notable namesake.

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