Anikki name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Hebrew
Usage: Finnish, Swedish and Danish
Meaning: He (God) Was Gracious
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What does Anikki mean?

Anikki is used predominantly in Finnish, Danish and Swedish is a baby girl name. Anikki is spelling variant of Annikki. Annikki is variant of prevailing and biblical Anna. Also Annikki is variant of noteworthy and biblical Annika.

Annikki is Finnish cognate of Anna. Annikki means He (God) Was Gracious is originated from Hebrew.

Variants of Anikki

Annikki, Anna, Annika, Aenne, Anella, Anki, Hanna, Ans, Aemiliana, Anacarolina, Aneka, Anneke, Ann

How popular is the name Anikki?

Anikki is an uncommon name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Anikki

You can't stand in one place for a long time because it bores you. You are all about independence, and like to have your own possessions because you like to enjoy luxury but not at any prize. If letter A is your cornerstone, you are not into flirting much but like to get straight to the point. Having letter I as your capstone in your name reveals the lack of balance and harmony in your life. You are capable of surviving everything.

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Famous people named Anikki

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