Baj name meaning

Gender: Girl
Meaning: One who is Tranquil
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What does Baj mean?

Baj is form of Beige. Beige means One who is Tranquil is originated from English-American.

Variants of Baj

Beige, Baege

How popular is the name Baj?

Baj is a popular baby name in India where every 1 in 150000 have the name. At least, 8000 people around the globe have been given the name as per our research.


Numerological analysis of Baj

People take you as a self-absorbed person but you don't care how they take you. You prefer determinate and strong partner when it comes to relationships. You are an adventurer who follows his intuition. You are influential and use your influence to do great things. Instead of talking about your dreams and goals, you prefer to realize them and focus on even greater goals after. You are a good planner who enjoys working.

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Famous people named Baj

We could not find any notable namesake.

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