Bhagava name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Bhagava
Meaning: The God
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What does Bhagava mean?

Boy name Bhagava is used prevalently in Hindi, Bhagava means "The God".

How popular is the name Bhagava?

Bhagava is a familiar baby name in India. According to our research, at least 200 people have been bestowed Bhagava around the globe, concentrated mainly in Islamic countries.


Numerological aspects of Bhagava

You are a hard candy when it comes to romantic relationships. People believe you are cold-hearted and emotionless but the truth is the opposite. You are probably the most creative person you know in your surroundings. You are the most active, livingly human being in your surroundings. You are a blessed person even if you don't know it yet. You are not like other people. You can't get used to a boring life and monotony.

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Famous people named Bhagava

We could not find any notable namesake.

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