Bhupendra name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Sanskrit
Usage: Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Sikh, Tamil, Telugu, Indian and Oriya
Meaning: A King who Rules All over Earth
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What does Bhupendra mean?

Meaning of Bhupendra is King of the Earth is originated from Sanskrit and is used mainly in Sanskrit, Kannada, Indian, Tamil, Oriya, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Sikh, Telugu, Gujarati, Assamese and Malayalam is used for baby boys.

How popular is the name Bhupendra?

Bhupendra is a prominent name in India where every 1 in 8000 have the name. While it is common in and a familiar name in United States. At least, 160000 people globally have carried Bhupendra as their given name according to our estimate.


Numerological aspects of Bhupendra

You are a wise person. To have letter A as your capstone in your name indicates your independence and ambitious attitude. Go out there and experience new stuff instead of reliving your past. You are triggered by things that seem impossible to do or accomplish because to you, nothing's impossible. When it comes to life goals and career, you always give your best. Open your mind and allow yourself to form a different opinion than the usual one you have.

Other names similar to Bhupendra

  •  Mukunda - Notably used in Malayalam, Telugu and Gujarati new-fangled and unexpected choice, Mukunda is used as a unisex name which is rooted from Indian and Sanskrit, meaning of Mukunda is "Lord Krishna, Peace Donors or Freedom Giver"
  •  Shruti - Anomalous Shruti came from Sanskrit, meaning of Shruti is "Different in All or Intelligent" and a girl name is used majorly in Indian and Telugu
  •  Vasudeva - The unisex name Vasudeva is rooted from Sanskrit and is largely used in Bengali and Oriya languages, Vasudeva means "The Father of the God Krishna, Indwelling God or Goddess of Wealth"
  •  Heema means Gold or Snow is particulary used in Tamil and Telugu. It is rooted from Sanskrit is used as a unisex name
  •  Mrinalini - Creative and adventurous and Modernistic Sanskrit Mrinalini means "Goddess Laxmi, Stem of Lotus or Collection of Lotuses" and is primarily used in Marathi, Gujarati and Tamil is used for baby girls

Famous people named Bhupendra

  • Bhupendra Kumar Datta, Indian freedom fighter and a revolutionary

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