Bogea name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Germanic
Meaning: Orchard
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What does Bogea mean?

Bogea is variation of Bogart. Mostly used in English, Bogart has its origin in Germanic, meaning of Bogart is "Orchard".

Variants of Bogea

Bogart, Bo, Boe, Beau

How popular is the name Bogea?

Bogea is an uncommon name around the globe.


What numbers say about Bogea?

Be more flexible and less stubborn. You hate working in a team because you know that working alone brings out the best of you. Having letter A as your capstone reveals your greediness and ambition. If this is you then you are probably familiar with your habit of falling for the wrong person because you fall in love so quickly. Having the letter A as your capstone reveals your hard-working nature and persistence.

Go through the following names similar to Bogea

  •  Teobaldo - Substantially used in Spanish and Portuguese, Teobaldo means "Brave or Bold", a baby boy name is rooted from Old High German and Germanic
  •  Elfe - Commonly used in English and German, Elfe aimed at girls that of Germanic origin, meaning of Elfe is "Nature Spirit or Elf"
  •  Gesche - Prevalently used in German and Low German, Gesche is rooted from Germanic and Old High German used as a baby girl name, meaning of Gesche is "Spear, Power or Force"
  •  Léopoldine - Originated from German, Léopoldine means "People or Daring"
  •  Meinburga - The Meinburga is originated from Old High German, Meinburga means "Protection or Power"

Famous people named Bogea

We could not find any notable namesake.

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