Camarvala name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Sanskrit
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Camarvala
Meaning: With Hair as Fine as a Yak's Tail
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What does Camarvala mean?

Used notably in Sanskrit, Camarvala means "With Hair as Fine as a Yak's Tail" is used customarily as a boy name.

How popular is the name Camarvala?

Camarvala is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numbers say about Camarvala?

You deserve the best because you are simply the best. Practice solitude and learn to survive on your own. You are a guardian angel for life for those loyal to you. You keep your promises and people trust you for that. To have number 4 as your soul urge no, it reveals your old and wise soul. You never come up with a plan to achieve something but make your way as you go. You are always filled with positive and creative energy that you pass around.

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Famous people named Camarvala

We could not find any notable namesake.

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