Creidah name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: English
Meaning: A Woman of Faith
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What does Creidah mean?

Creidah is version of Creda. Creda came from English, meaning of Creda is "A Woman of Faith".

Variants of Creidah

Creda, Creada

Middle Names for Creidah

Wann, Margery, Vron, view more middle names that goes with Creidah

How popular is the name Creidah?

Creidah is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numerology tells about Creidah?

Your spiritual progress is what matters the most to you. Not your career. Not money. Not social status. Partnerships are exclusively important to you. You sleep a lot because it's your way of escaping reality. Besides creative, you are also highly intuitive and funny. You have a specific taste in people. You don't hang around with just anyone. However, this is why people respect you. You hate people who play hard to get.

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Famous people named Creidah

We could not find any notable namesake.

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