Diklah name meaning

Gender: Unisex, both Boy and Girl
Origin: Hebrew
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What does Diklah mean?

Diklah is spelling variant of Dikla. Dikla is variant of Dickla.

Variants of Diklah


How popular is the name Diklah?

Diklah is a common baby name in Israel. According to our research, over 3000 babies have been named Diklah globally.


Numerological aspects of Diklah

Number 9 as your expression no represents your higher purpose in life. You are the most creative person in your surroundings. You are sensitive, humane and compassionate by nature. Your primary goal is to create a life you won't need a yearly vacation from. Instead of wasting money, find a way to invest it in your future. You are driven by success and accomplishing everything you imagined as a child.

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Famous people named Diklah

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