Dorr name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Usage: English
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Dorr
Meaning: A Generation a Home
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What does Dorr mean?

Used in English quintessential vintage and customary, Dorr came from Hebrew is aimed at baby boys. Dorr is spelling variation of Dor. Meaning of Dor is A Generation a Home came from Hebrew.

Variants of Dorr

Dor, Doriel

How popular is the name Dorr?

Dorr is an uncommon baby name in United States, its highest ever rank is 921 (1887) in its 17 years run on United States naming chart. Over 124 babies in United States have been named Dorr.

According to our evaluation, at least 200 people have been bestowed Dorr around the globe.

View more ▾[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Here's what numbers has to say about Dorr

Your only mistake is that you are trying to prove others you can do it, instead of proving yourself. You are willing to give up everything you have to achieve everything you ever wanted. Negative people steal your energy and leave you drained and unwilling to do the things you want to do like express your feelings in a creative manner. You act responsibly when involving other people in your actions.

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Famous people named Dorr

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  • Dorr Felt, American inventor and industrialist
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  • Dorrie Thomson in Chesty Anderson U.S. Navy as Actress
  • Dorra Zarrouk in Segn El Nessa as Actress
  • Dorrie Kavanaugh in One Life to Live as Actress
  • Dorris Bowdon in The Grapes of Wrath as Actress


  1. Social Security Administration,
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