Dragmel name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Meaning: Drawling
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What does Dragmel mean?

Dragmel is Scandinavian cognate of Dragmáll.

Variants of Dragmel


How popular is the name Dragmel?

Dragmel is an extremely rare name around the world.


Numerological aspects of Dragmel

You don't share the usual opinion of things and the ordinary life perspective. People admire your charm and independent attitude about everything. Deep inside you want someone to take over your dominance and take over the control. Instead of running over people on your way to success, you teach them how to find their own path and how to succeed. You always compete with yourself. You practically sabotage your own career with self-doubt and worry.

Looking for names similar to Dragmel? Please go through the following names

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  •  Tatti is Old Norse form of Tati
  •  Nokke - Mainly used in Old SwedishDanish and Swedish, Nokke is used for boys. Nokke is Swedish form of Nukki

Famous people named Dragmel

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